When I was working in the salon 5 days a week I heard someone comment that the week had been as long as a month of Sundays. I remember thinking, wouldn’t that be great to have a month of Sundays so we could be off work that long. The only time I was off a whole month was after surgery.

But even after the surgery I was still getting out and seeing other people…..even if it was to go to the doctors’ office for checkups. There were still other people around at the clinic that I saw and talked to. When I had 5ths disease, which is about a three to four week long illness with symptoms from 5 different diseases, my mom was here everyday to stay with me because my husband was working out of town doing audits.

My husband and I have been pretty much quarantined since early March and it is too long when we both worked and had been around people all our lives. I have not even been doing any shopping in Wal-Mart for a month. We have been filling out an order online and then we go to the store at the time they give us for pickup and someone brings it out and puts it in the trunk of the car. We don’t even have contact with that person enough to talk to them.

I remember when Saturdays and Sundays were special days to do something fun. Or nothing if we so desired. Now all the days of the week are the same to us and I have to mark off each day as I get ready for bed. If I don’t do that I would have trouble remembering what day of the week it is the next morning.

At least before the Corona virus we could get out a couple times a week to eat out. We usually went to the Kwik shop every morning to get a coke and that was fun to see something different than what we see out the window of the house. But now the Kwik shop won’t let you bring your cup with you to refill, and I won’t handle one of their cups when I don’t know how many have touched it. So we haven’t been there for over a month.

Entertainment for us now is watching the scene in the backyard as the squirrels fight over the feeders so they can sit in the little chairs to eat sunflower seeds. Once in awhile one of them will come up and eat on the patio door step where I put Nilla wafers in a pie pan and whole peanuts on the step. I break the wafers into pieces so they can’t just run off with a whole wafer.

But a couple of them will stuff the pieces into their cheeks and then take them to the tree to eat them. They probably can carry a whole wafer but it is not as easy when I break them up. Most of the time we get to watch them sit there and eat them on the step. Funny what a person considers entertainment when we have been quarantined a little over a month.

This is a joke I saw about the isolation we are all going through. Couldn’t get the picture to copy into this article for some reason. One lady is standing talking to a lady sitting in a chair.


The lady standing; “Where is your husband?”

            The lady sitting; “He is in the garden.”

            The lady standing; “I didn’t see him.”

            The lady sitting; “You have to dig a little.”


I sent that to a lot of people and they all got a chuckle out of it. Could easily have been two men talking about their wives too. It can be a trying time when you are quarantined whether by choice or otherwise.

Most of us have never gone through this before when you can’t get out when you want and see other people or do the normal things you are used to doing. I’m sure most of us are hoping we never see it again. I wonder if this is like our pets…….in particular dogs that will run away from their yard when they get the chance because they have been cooped up way to long.

The people on the news aren’t very encouraging about this virus and how long it will be around. They say it all depends on everyone staying home and away from other people. I have been in self imposed quarantine for over a month now so I won’t get the virus.

I desperately need to get my lower back injection which I get in Wichita but I am afraid of running into someone that has the virus. So I have canceled that appointment. I have also canceled the appointment here in town for my knee injections. I will just have to live with the pain until there are no new cases in the area.

If everyone who doesn’t have an essential job would stay home, this virus would go away in weeks not months. But I am afraid the virus is going to be around for another month of Sundays or longer to infect the people most vulnerable and drive the rest of us crazy. To contact Sandy: [email protected]


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