Another Driver Crashes Fence

A Cowboy’s Faith


“A vehicle has gone through your pasture fence and the wires are down so livestock can get out.”

It was the Sheriff’s Dispatcher just after daylight informing of what this time was already known.

Minutes before looking out the window three law enforcement vehicles with patriotic flashing lights were at the north corner. There was a fourth vehicle with yellow caution lights blinking.

Fairly certain of what had occurred, decision was made to drive up the road to find out more details. Upon arrival, only one county sheriff car was still at the scene. That lawman was busy measuring tire marks and whatever else from one side of the road to the other.

Obviously the other two counties’ sheriff offices decided to let the remaining officer do the paperwork. That caution-vehicle must have also concluded its service was no longer needed.

Through the broken fence to the southwest 150-yards in the brome field was a white economy car frontend bashed in.

Slowly driving past commenting out the window, the working lawman was queried: “Another fatality this time?”

Congenial as likely possible for a dedicated deputy: “No the driver was disillusioned, didn’t know where he was.” Further details on the reckless motorist aren’t known but fortunately evidently he wasn’t injured.

Such incidences are actually common as there’ve been similar situations a handful of times in the past half century. Two major highways intersect on the three-county-line.

Drivers from the east are going too fast, half asleep or not paying attention. They run the stop sign, cross the other north south highway, through the fence and out into the pasture.

At least once if not twice there have been mortalities. Before property line was changed from an abandoned road, inattentive drivers went into a timber causing more personal and vehicle harm.

Right after a new east west fence was constructed, an unobservant driver ran into the steel braced corner. No personal injury, the car was totaled and several thousand dollars fence repair.

Department of Transpiration officials have been contacted about more warning signs, guard railing or something to help prevent such mishaps. Nothing has been done yet, but maybe this latest wreck will demand that new caution mechanisms go into place.

Reminded of Deuteronomy 4:9: “Watch out and be very careful never to forget what you see.”



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