Chronicles of The Farm Woman: 4-H club



The 4-H club members down this way joined in a club tour last Monday.  Why do so many things happen on Monday?  We used to think it was wash day exclusively.  Now we must hurry around and get the wash on the line early in order to do something else. Boys were half afraid to ask dad to go on the tour in such a busy week.  Fathers really have a soft heart even though the exterior may sometimes appear gruff.  Of course, they arranged for the boys to go.

Garden projects, which were promising early, look sick this week.  Especially at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.  Zinnias and petunias extend a friendly greeting at the garden gate.  Children fortunate enough to have the garden below the pump have installed a system of ditches.  It takes a heap of hand pumping to water cucumbers 25 feet from the well.  The boy who disliked to exhibit his corn because he had not finished hoeing weeds felt better when he saw that other boys had weeds in the row too.  Girls in baking and clothing projects brought samples of their handiwork and formed a display at the picnic grounds.

The picnic supper and playtime were the climax of the tour.  As we observed these boys and girls playing together, comparing notes on projects we wondered if agriculture tomorrow might be in better hands than it is today.

Dolls lie neglected much of the time this summer.  Who wants to play with dolls when they can walk to the neighbors and watch the new baby?  It seems to childish minds that the baby sleeps most of the time.  They have learned the baby’s waking hours and visits are timed accordingly.  Now that the baby has a new swing the daily visit is imperative.

A grandmother remarks that these schedule babies may be all right but she is thankful her babies were raised before schedules became the thing.  When a young mother can cook for thrashers four days and baby not cry, some credit must go to the  baby’s routine and the mother’s good sense in establishing and adhering to the schedule.

Pity the child who cannot watch babies, pups, calves, pigs, chicks and colts grow.


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