Thought Police


by Sandra Coleman

We hear many accusations hurled at us lately. Implicit bias, inherent racism. even “deplorables” if we happen to support the wrong candidate. This description from the Candidate on the Left. Remember the Left declared long ago that there is no absolute truth, all values are equal, truth is relative, right to one may be wrong to another, and tolerance is the key to the good life. Except with no right and wrong, how does one define “good” life? Once that  radical worldview emerged, ironically as absolute truth, (relentlessly nurtured by the media for years) the self righteous assault on traditional values took on a vengeance that would intimidate the most stalwart. In a world of relative truth, you are dead wrong (rich, isn’t it)) if you support traditional marriage, the pro life movement, limited government, trickle down economics, stop and frisk, limited immigration, the two gender paradigm, creation science, elevate humans above animals, or honor a higher being in the presence of sensitive young people. Not only are you wrong but you harbor inherent racism. Good grief. I know the human race has always been a pretty ornery lot, but now we have the thought police. Not sure anyone has ever done anything with any entirely pure motive,(except Jesus Christ); usually many motives, some unconscious, motivate us, and we can easily deceive ourselves into thinking we’re pretty fine people after all.Since Scripture tells us that the only way we can operate from pure motives is when we”walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16), I’m guessing God remains the only judge of our motives. And anyone or any institution that tries to do it for Him is treading on sacred ground.

Criticize a person for what he does and even the words he speaks, but don’t be probing the heart. Racism is an evil thing, cruel, ugly, and destructive. Pouncing on every misspeak or hastily hurled epithet to breathlessly proclaim the dire detection of racism is not only silly but dangerous. Dangerous to reason and to freedom. And we all have inherent bias. So what? Only a robot or sociopath could  be entirely devoid of bias because bias is feelings. The press should strive to avoid bias, but we know how well that has worked. And where do we see more implicit bias than in the climate change hysteria promoted by the press and nearly all educational institutions? Climate change occurs and some could be man- made, but to say that anyone who denies man- made climate change is denying a proven fact is smug intellectual bias against common sense. Real science is based on the challenge of being proven wrong. The debate should never be closed. And who among you would trust a bloated bureaucracy to manage, monitor, and accurately interpret the data for the massive undertaking of controlling the climate of the entire earth?

Really rich– watching CNN clucking with righteous indignation at Trump’s  exposed video while ignoring the perversions of Bill & Hillary. Winston Churchill once said
“Hypocrisy is the glue that holds society together.”We should not be exposing the sins of those in public office, as long as they are not breaking the law. All this just further degrades our culture
before the eyes of our youth, robbing innocence far too early and planting seeds of cynicism and despair. Ironic how the liberals encourage promiscuity, vile music, TV shows, movies and abortion on demand–then fall into a delicate swoon upon hearing explicit vulgarities.


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