The Covered Dish: Spinach Salad


Well we’ve made it over the first hump, now we just need to welcome in the New Year!   Then, like the commercials on TV, the new weight loss programs hit.  Like many of you; I’m looking forward to 2018 and all the new opportunities it will bring our way.   When I was younger I got all excited about New Year’s Eve.  It was about the perfect cocktail dress and how many parties could be crammed into one evening.  Then everything went into shift change and I was happy staying off the roads and relaxing at home.  For me New Year’s is about family & friends, good movies and a roasting fire.  That pretty well sums it up.  On a professional note I plan to grab 2018 by the tail and soar!


This spinach salad recipe is one of my all-time favorite salad dishes.  It strikes an accord with many main entrees and is pretty much a quick fix salad.  Do appreciate the scratch dressing, believe me the guests will notice.  If there happens to be a bit of turkey still dancing around, include it in the salad.  This gives you a delicious main entrée.


As always I look at recipes to see how I can switch them around.  Since it is prime time for clementines and oranges, why not switch out the apples for the citrus version.  Dried cranberries, nuts, cheese and spinach still work.


After 2-4 weeks of cookies, candies, stuffing, pies and eggnog this salad recipe should look really good.  Don’t go too cold turkey, start slow and you’ll be back to your normal weight in no time.  One of my big goals is to have dinner at an early hour.  During the winter season at work, my family doesn’t have dinner until about 8pm.  This is sometimes harder than all the cookies and candies!   I’m setting realistic goals and bulking up on more fresh vegetables.


Remember to mark those calendars for January 21st when I’ll be in Platte City, Missouri doing a class from 1-3pm, at the Lion’s Club.  The snow date for this event is Sunday, February 11th.  Tickets are $35. Per person.  Reservations can be made by contacting me via my website or simply by mailing in your check to my home at 160 Queensberry Road, Branson West, Missouri  65737.  Include your emails please.

Then we travel out to McPherson, Kansas to the Cook’s Nook on Saturday, January 27th.  Class time will be 10-Noon.  An afternoon class will be held if at least ten are signed up in advance.  Contact the Cook’s Nook to make a reservation.  At both events the theme will be ‘Super Bowl 2018’.  Seating is limited.  (My entire staff is joining me on this show.)


Ok it’s time to scurry to the next project.  Happy New Year friends!

Simply Yours, The Covered Dish.


Spinach Salad

Base amounts upon the number of people you are serving.


Fresh Spinach

Feta Cheese

Granny Smith Apples, chunk with peels on.

(Rinse in lemon juice to prevent turning.)

Slices of red onion*

Dried cranberries

Chopped walnuts


*Soak red onions in ice water about 30 minutes before serving.  Drain and pat dry.  This will take some of ‘gumption’ out of the onion.  Serve with honey mustard dressing.



3/4 cup mayonnaise

3 tablespoons honey

1 1/2 tablespoons prepared mustard

1 tablespoon lemon juice

2 tablespoons orange juice

Horseradish to taste


Mix all ingredients together with a whisk except for the orange juice.  You will use the orange juice to thin the dressing to your desired thickness.  Chill until ready to serve.



Debbie Dance Uhrig


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