Remember when: Thanks for the memories


By Doris Schroeder

It is almost Thanksgiving and a good time to recall and give thanks for our life’s journey and all the things that enter in. Of course, there are some things for which I wasn’t appreciative of at the time but now, in looking back, I can understand how they worked out to the good. Things I needed in order to do the things God wanted me to do…of that I am grateful…most of the time!

Our pastor, Ron Mandeville, so capably shared the story of Mary and Martha this last Sunday and I could see how it hit home when I think about we women of today. I know it did to me. We women need to be some of both. Like Mary, I love to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to the friends of ours who share the Gospel with the world…people like Wayne Johnson, Christian Wei, Rick Goertzen, Steve Hodgson, our son John David,. and many others.

On the other hand, we also need to be  Martha at times and see that the cooking and house things get done, at least partially. As the years have accumulated, so does the energy level, and it gets harder to keep up with everyday tasks. Most of the time I’m more of one than the other.

It was so much easier when I was younger but even then, I can see how God helped me out. I remember when we were living in the first house we had built on East 17th Ave. Hubby was the Chairman of the Board and our church was without a pastor at that time. We had invited a men’s quartet  from Omaha, to give a program that evening, and weren’t sure when they were coming. When the doorbell rang at 4:30, I didn’t give it another thought as I went to open the door. There on the porch were the four men in the quartet.

Then it hit me, they were there for supper before the program! What to do?

The “Martha” of me almost panicked but then I thought of something. We had just purchased a new Amana freezer (on payments) and I had a freezer full of food. I suggested that they could go to the church a block away to practice and I would have supper ready for them when they got back in an hour. As soon as they left, I flew down the stairs and picked out some steaks, grabbed some potatoes and frozen veggies. I opened up the dining room table and set it. By the time they got back, it was all ready to serve and it all worked out great. The program was  good and I was really thankful that we had the freezer. God has helped us work many things out in so many ways through the years.

Wouldn’t it be extra hard to live in the world we have today without having God in our lives to “intervene” for us when the going gets rough? It’s only through an occasional “flashback” we remember more times when He interceded for us and got us through a tough situation.

But then, there are real times of joy to off set the bad times that come… a special letter or card in the mail or on the e-mail from a family member or a reader, a call from a friend sharing something special that happened to her, and perhaps, an answer to prayer. Often something encouraging when I’m beginning to feel down. It does seem God knows when we need a little “pick-me-up!”

We know we are very thankful for our Young at Hearts Ministry each Thursday…the pastors who speak, the old hymns we sing and the special prayer time for our life’s problems. This Thursday we will again hear Dr. Wayne Johnson, a special man of God, who is truly one of God’s messengers for this day.

On Saturday we look forward to a weekend visit from our son John David and his wife Carol, as they fly in from Florida.

This last April I felt immeasurable joy when John and I went to Abilene to speak to a large group of CWC ladies. They were so open and excited, we felt like it was “a touch of heaven!” Later, when I saw one talking her conviction to John, he was leaning back. It struck my funny bone in a good way!

This winter we plan to absolutely “down-size” and I have started with a little of it already. Before I threw away a box of greeting cards, however, I had to read them all “one more time!” I did manage to do it and I know I will have to steel myself many times as I pitch away all those wonderful memories. I will, however, keep them in my heart and I will still have room to make more memories.

Doris loves to get your comments and can be reached at [email protected]


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