A Cowboy’s Faith: The Week Of Bigheartedness


By Frank J. Buchman

“So many are so very generous.”

While often offended by beggars with their hands out, there’s always somebody offering assistance.

That’s amazing itself, contrary to others who won’t lift a hand.

Now clarify endless seemingly those asking for help, and obviously receiving it, or in reality they wouldn’t continue.

Furthermore, what to help and what not to help is major dilemma. Some certainly deserve, needing in the worst way. Others make their living taking from those generous ones, when they could be working.

Awareness of generosity has become even more apparent in recent days.

One is the county 4-H foundation which was started four decades ago to assist 4-H members.

Serving as a trustee of the group three-fourths of that existence, phenomenal has been the generosity of support.

From six visionaries with nothing but love of the 4-H program, annual token giving with conscientious saving and investment has become a major assistance.

First and foremost is helping 4-H members reap more opportunities in becoming leaders of the future.

More than 2,000 young people have participated in camps, learning experiences and leadership development through generosity of others. Many would have never had those valuable encounters without such assistance.

Most inspirational is how people continue their generosity. It’s never ceasing, always expanding, even naming memorials for others.

The Easter Story is marked by extravagant generosity with no strings attached.

Holy Week finalizes Lent as preparation through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving and self-denial.

On Palm Sunday, Jesus riding a colt, accompanied by his disciples, went into Jerusalem, while crowds covered the streets with cloaks and palms.

Monday, Jesus chased money-changers out of the Temple, and then preached in Jerusalem on Tuesday and Wednesday.

After washing the disciples’ feet Thursday, Jesus celebrated Feast of the Passover, instituting the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Praying after supper, Jesus was arrested by the Temple Guard and taken to an illegal Jewish court

On Friday, Roman soldiers escorted Jesus to the place of the skull where he was crucified. On Saturday, Jesus rested in the tomb while his disciples observed the Sabbath.

On Easter Sunday, an Angel at the tomb announced that Jesus was risen from the dead.

Reminds of Romans 8:28: “All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”




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