Patterned Speed Events Feature Of Newly Formed Great Plains Horseshow Association

Down the Draw


A new association has been organized for horseback riders who enjoy competing in patterned speed events.
“The Great Plains Horseshow Association (GPHA) was formed to be a family friendly group,” according to Tammy Clouston of Meriden.
As brainchild of the association, Clouston said, “We’ll have equine competition in an atmosphere of good sportsmanship and good horsemanship. It will promote quality time spent with family and friends.”
Founding members are from several existing associations with a mix of events and rule variations from the different groups.
“The GPHA was developed as a unique organization incorporating ideas of longtime patterned speed event competitors,” Clouston said. “These riders have experienced many competitions and wanted an association with old, different, changed, new, and intentionally improved show philosophies.”
There will be a horse and rider nomination process with points compiled throughout the show season for yearend cash awards.
“A rider can ride more than one horse in each event by paying a separate horse entry fee,” Clouston explained.
Especially important to families with limited horses, youth riders one-to-six and seven-to-11 can use the same horse. “Each rider will be eligible to place and earn points,” Clouston said.
Any person or club in good standing can host a sanctioned GPHA show from January 1 through October 15.
“Shows are not limited to the Kansas borders, so they can be anywhere in the Great Plains,” the official said.
“There will be no membership or showbill fees,” Clouston continued. “Clubs or individuals can host as many shows throughout the year as desired.”
No advance show scheduling is required, although it will be best to plan shows at least a week in advance. That will provide adequate time for promotion so contestants can plan participation accordingly, it was explained.
Age groups are one-to-six, seven-to-11, 12-17, 18-34, 35-54, and 55 and over.
Single events include arena race, barrel racing, figure-eight-barrel race, figure-eight stake race, flag race, half-eight race, jump and weave, keg bending, key race, lane barrels, polo turn, speed barrels, tomahawk race, top-n-turn, two-barrel flag race, and three-pole weave.
“Shows might even include a ‘mystery race’ that can be whatever the show host wants it to be,” Clouston said.
Team events are two-in-line barrels, pair sack race, rescue race, and Western relay.
“Several GPHA shows are already on the 2023 calendar, so clubs and individuals should get their show scheduled now,” Clouston said.
“Come compete at the skill level you feel most comfortable. We welcome all riders,” she insisted.
A GPHA Rulebook and other association information including steps to host shows can be found at and on Facebook.
“Our entry fees are low, but the experiences are priceless,” welcomed Clouston who can be contacted at 785-393-1922 or [email protected].


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