Locks Cannot Deter Necessities

A Cowboy’s Faith


“Locks are meant to keep others away from something that doesn’t belong to them.”
Problem arises when the one owning the property locks their selves out and they can’t get what’s needed.

Yes, many locking systems are not fool proof. All it takes sometimes is a bolt cutter, sledgehammer, pry bar, or even a big rock to break into private ownership.

Nowadays most people lock just about everything they own from their home to the barn to their car to the pasture gate. That’s a wide contrast to a half century ago when nobody ever locked anything.

As a grocery store carryout boy back in the ’60s, the backdoor to every home was unlocked. Without thought of a knock or warning of any kind, groceries were delivered right into the kitchen.

People didn’t lock their cars usually leaving the keys in the ignition wherever it was parked. There were never any break-ins or stolen property that was ever heard about.

Nowadays is a far different story. Everybody’s told to “make sure you lock it.” Most people adhere to the warning, yet there are seemingly constantly increasing numbers of thefts.
A key is typically required to open locks whether the home, car or pasture gate. Keeping track of a dozen or more keys isn’t that easy for those who are very forgetful.

As possible solution, some locks have combinations to get them open. That’s okay too, if the combination can be remembered, or if it’s recorded for only personal access.

To get into the office, every employee has what’s called a key fob. It’s really no different than a regular key because the door won’t open without the fob.

Most modern vehicles have automatic door locks and their really fairly easy to accidently lock when not intended. That’s a real problem when the key is inside, windows are all rolled up and there’s not another key anywhere.

Policemen have gadgets to open locked vehicle doors and certain ingenious baling wire manipulators can get locked doors unlatched.

However, nothing seemed to work after the pickup door accidently locked when jumping out to turn off overflowing water. Just short of calling 911, destruction of the vent window was only alternative, better than walking home.

Reminded of Second Peter 1:19: “You must take action to break through the gloom.”


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