Orange Smoothie


This is one of my new recipes from the winter series at Silver Dollar City.  I LOVE this smoothie. When I first started out with the recipe I never dreamed it would taste so much like an Orange Julius.  Allow me to drag you back to a bit of the ‘old days’, for a moment.


Growing up our family often took shopping trips to St. Louis, Missouri.  

By the age of 15 or 16 we were allowed to shop at a big ‘shopping center’, on our own; checking in at various times.  This was back in the late 60’s and early 70’s where you didn’t have to worry about the fears we have in current times.  Before I ever hit a store to shop I headed straight for the Orange Julius. I loved the drink so much that I would often go back for another just before the day wrapped up.

In Quincy, Illinois where we shopped, on a regular basis, there were no Orange Julius in sight!


Therefore when I tasted my finished recipe for the smoothie I was amazed at how much it reminded me of the ‘old’ days in St. Louis.  For my northeast Missouri friends this would have been at the ‘Northwest Plaza’ shopping center. Where the Famous Barr roof looked like a toothpaste top!


In the first recipe I first used only one orange and the banana was taking the lead on flavor.  This wasn’t the goal so I brought up the oranges to (2) and stuck with only 1 frozen banana. Use very fresh bananas and slice them onto a parchment covered cookie sheet to freeze, then bag in a Ziploc bag.   The average banana slices into 15-18 slices, most generally. An overly ripe banana is not the ticket for this recipe, save those for making breads and cakes. Not to mention the banana is best when it is eaten barely ripe.  The longer it is allowed to ripen the more sugar develops.   


I surprised myself with how well the smoothie held in the refrigerator.  If you are serving it for a brunch consider freezing orange juice ahead of time, to keep the smoothie chilled.


Feel free to use the recipe as a guide for different twists.  The recipe definitely will serve two tumblers of the beverage.


McPherson, Kansas, The Cooks Nook, Thursday evening, January 30th and Saturday February 1st.  Call the Cooks Nook for additional information:  Phone: 620 241 7180.


Simply Yours, The Covered Dish.


Orange Smoothie


2 peeled & chopped oranges

2 (5.3 oz.) Greek vanilla yogurts

1 cup orange juice of choice

3/4 cup whole milk

2 tablespoons honey

1 sliced frozen banana


Place oranges, yogurts, orange juice, milk and honey in blender.  Combine until ingredients are mixed well. Lastly drop in slices of frozen banana and mix until chunks are blended.   If more chill is desired drop in a couple of ice cubes.


Recipe should yield approximately 4 cups of smoothie or enough for two persons. 

Garnish with fresh fruits if desired.



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