Persevering Faith In God’s Power, Prayers Bring Reprieve From Horrible Childhood, Communism Threats, To American Freedoms

Down the Draw


True stories of God at work are sometimes so miraculous it’s nearly impossible for even most devote believers to comprehend.
Let alone those who are already doubters searching for rebuttal of God’s forever love, reassurance, guidance, and answers to prayers.
Elona Elizabeth Russell’s short paperback book “Was She Property?: Can God Be Trusted?” is difficult to put down once reading starts.
It is intriguing inspiration that one can endure harsh life realities then be blessed with God’s richness through staunch believing prayer.
Biography of the author’s mother, Lizzi, the book details early life with a father considering her “property” rather than daughter. Intelligent, ambitious, generally fearless, yet unrelenting in prayer and seeking God’s help, her life goes through continuous strife.
At an early age, Russell promised her mother to share her remarkable story from endless hardships in communist Hungary to family freedom in the United States.
Enduring beatings, continued death threats, imposed unloving marriage, children taken from her, forceful Communist regime, Lizzi never loses faith.
Thirty-two short, two-to-four-page chapters are titled revealing the life’s hardship from youth through adulthood freedom. Many of the chapters are opened with Bible verse support.
Surviving beatings and several times within minutes of death by denying Communist rule, Lizzi is always praying. Her faith in God’s word and perseverance through oppression brings happiness to Lizzi and family dearest to her heart.
Russell clarifies the events are real. “I used creative license with dialogue to share the stories in a more engaging style,” she said.
Lizzie’s life is an example of the love of God in extraordinary occurrences as well as everyday ones. It shows how a flawed, imperfect human can claim Bible promises with compete confidence.
“The loving heavenly Father knows not only our needs, but the wants and desires of our hearts,” Russell insists.
Born Elizabeth Ilona in Budapest, Hungary, Elona Elizabeth Russell was traumatized from a young age, not through cruelty or intent. But as an unavoidable consequence of living under the rule of an oppressive government.
Russell shares a special relationship with her mother, Elizabeth, who guided her as a child to love the Bible and embrace God’s love.
After watching her family experience the emotional devastation caused by war, politics, and inhumanity, Russell turned to books and writing for comfort. The book “Was She Property?” fulfills a promise to her mother that she would one day share her story. The author’s website is
Second part of the book’s title “Can God Be Trusted?” is answered with an emphatic “yes.”
The book is accessible on the internet in hardcopy, readable on the computer, and in electronic audible form. Additional information is available from Lavidge L A V I D G E in Phoenix, Arizona, through Ashley Fletcher [email protected].

Frank J. Buchman
Alta Vista, Kansas


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