



Rush Limbaugh

How we go about our lives oblivious to what can happen is shattered when the crime is on your doorstep. There are many that say they would do this or that if confronted by a criminal bent on a heinous act. But no one really knows until the victim is you or one close to you.

High sounding attitudes and platitudes seem to mean nothing at the time that the worst can happen. We only have a society when there is respect for others and those who would take away our property, freedoms, and very life are corralled and made to pay for their crimes.

Our area was frightened out of it’s wits when the Rucker Family was attacked, beaten, robbed, and told that they were going to be killed in a horrific manor. Thanks to the courageousness of their son, who was also threatened and beaten, the tables were turned on the attacker.

Details of the incident are frightening enough but the fact that fighting back was the only choice that they had of survival was acted on. So many will site high sounding ideals abut what should have been done but the fact that life is a gift and should not be taken lightly is important.

Turn the cheek has its limits and there is nothing that says you have to go beyond and not fight for your life. Anyone that would criticize should ask themselves ‘if you saw your parents attacked and injured, and yourself endangered, that you would not do something to stop it?’

The stories tell a horrendous series of acts that had been perpetrated on the people. It goes beyond just what happened here. The man has a long rap sheet and there are other happenings that have gone on that are eerily similar to what was attempted here for this to be a  one time act. It is suspicioned that many more crimes will be identified by this man.

How many more have been saved by the courage of the son and the fact that evil cannot be tolerated? The list of charges that are now against the man should keep him from doing this again to other innocent people.

The news continues as a college student is missing in Iowa and along string of disappearances have happened in that state. Bad things happen to good people. We cannot take for granted that we are immune from it just because we are not living in big cities where gunfire is an every night occurrence.

We thank God that the family survived and the animal is behind bars. But we lock our doors now during the day and that is a shame. The Sheriff’s log each week now is full of calls to check suspicious vehicles in the area. It is not an over reaction it is the vigilance that we should all be aware that evil can happen anywhere and at anytime.

Evil only prospers when good people do nothing.


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