Delete Key



A couple of days after the trip to my home town of Mullinville to hand out my books, I talked to a man who forgot I was going to be there that day. He said the delete key in his brain would just auto delete sometimes and it must have done that. He will remain anonymous (but his initials are C.M). But he got me thinking about the similarities between computers and our brains.

The Delete key is one of the most useful buttons on a computer. I seem to use it a lot and it is getting faded out from all the use. When I am writing and decide later I don’t like something, I can highlight and delete it. In my world on the written page it was never there.

Too bad the delete key in my brain doesn’t work as well on words I have thrown out there for the world to hear and wish I hadn’t said them. I wish the words could disappear like they never happened by engaging my brains delete key.

The bad thing about our internal delete key; sometimes it auto deletes something you should remember, like an appointment or what you were going to say. It seems like my auto delete key works to well anymore and I am always forgetting in mid sentence what I want to say or get into the other room and it has deleted what I was headed in there for. Does the Delete key in the brain lay dormant until we reach a certain age and then kicks in? Or is it always active but we are able to override it when we are younger?

The Shift key is useful on the computer to change lines or capitalize letters. I love to use this key to capitalize words or thoughts. Some thoughts just have to be expressed in a louder voice on paper so I capitalizing at least the first letter of a word.

The Caps Lock key is a great key if you want to shout the word on the printed page and really want to get someone’s attention. THEN the caps lock key comes in handy. The caps lock key in my brain works just fine and I have no trouble getting some one to hear me if I am really serious.

The Tab key moves you from where you are to another place on the page. It is much faster than hitting the space bar numerous times. I wish I had a tab key to move me from a boring day to a fun day that is coming up.  That would have been a great internal key to have when I was working so I could tab from Monday to Friday.

The Insert key lets you insert something you forgot to add without having to retype the whole sentence; what a time saver it is. If I had an insert key in my brain I could go back and insert something in an argument I didn’t think to say. Wouldn’t that be fun to be able to add something to a statement we made to someone yesterday or a month ago?

The Control and Alt keys can get you out of trouble when the computer decides to have a mind of its own and you can’t seem to fix what ever the stupid machine has decided to do. Like wise when our brains convince us to do something when we know we shouldn’t the control and alt key could get us out of that easily.

The Backspace key is similar to the delete key and is used to back up and get rid of a single letter or a whole word you just wrote and changed your mind. I have the prerogative to change my mind as my backspace key can well confirm. To bad our brain doesn’t have a backspace key so we can change our mind even hours or days later and no one would remember what we have erased from the conversation.

The Enter key drops you down a line with each push of the key so the next words are on a different line, it is like the old lever we had to push on the manual typewriters, but it is a lot easier, your fingers never have to leave the keyboard.

In our brain the enter key would allow us to go down a day or so and see if what we are thinking is going to work. If not we could backspace and try a different track to get where we want to be. Maybe we wouldn’t make as many mistakes in life as we do and have to learn the hard way.

.           I wish I had all the wonderful keys in my brain that are on the computer keyboard? I could call on them whenever I wanted to and fix mistakes. C.M. said his delete key will auto delete whenever it chooses and unfortunately so does mine. To Contact Sandy@[email protected]


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