Nostalgia and Thoughts: Pet Peeves III



            Here we go again, I have more pet peeves. I might as well start the year out right and throw the four new ones out there. It seems I keep getting more and more of them as I add birthdays. Wonder if that is normal or I just have less patience than most people?

            Pet Peeve 1: This one has bugged me for several years so I guess it is time to see if any one can answer my question of why it is this way in restaurants. There is nothing I love more than chocolate. One of my favorites is chocolate meringue pie. I can make my own because I have a great recipe for chocolate pie filling from my mother and I can make meringue. But, I love to have a piece of chocolate meringue pie at a restaurant after a meal.             Over the past few years I have noticed restaurants do not have chocolate meringue pie. They make chocolate cream which is cool whip or that spray on whipped cream (yuck) on top of the chocolate filling. They have coconut pie with meringue and lemon pie with meringue but not chocolate. 

            I have asked numerous waitresses and no one seems to know why they have coconut and lemon with meringue but no chocolate. If they are making meringue for the coconut and lemon pies why not make a little more and put some on the chocolate pies? Or they could offer both since the whipped topping is easy. A lot of us don’t like the whipped topping and prefer real meringue. Maybe someone that cooks at a restaurant can answer this question for me.

            Pet Peeve 2: Drivers and the roundabouts around Hutchinson and Reno County. I stopped and visited with a patrolman one day and asked him about the round about at Plum and 56th street. 

            I wanted to know if I should use a turn signal when going around the roundabout. His answer was very short and to the point. “A roundabout should be used like a 4 way stop.” To me that means I should use a signal and you should yield to someone on the right if you arrive at the same time. If someone is coming around the circle on your left you should wait for them to pass, not jump out in front of them and make them slam on the brakes. 

            I have always used a turn signal if I am going to go right when I pull up to the roundabout. If I am going to go straight I don’t signal. If I am going to go left I turn that signal on and it is on all the way around until I pass the exit before the one I am going to turn off.  

            It seems that hardly anyone uses their signals when they are at a roundabout. You have to sit there and wonder if they are going to come on around past where you are sitting or if they are going to turn on the exit you are sitting at or the one to your left. I wish everyone used their turn signals just like it was a 4 way stop.  

            Pet Peeve 3: Buying sweatshirts and sweaters. This one is for the women readers. If you have changed sizes in the last few years I am betting that you have noticed this. It is another of those “what are they thinking” irritations in our lives? 

            For some reason the designers of sweatshirts and sweaters for women think when they make each larger size above a size 12 that the arms should be longer. Sweatshirt brands that I have bought for years, and now buy a size larger, no longer fit without rolling up the sleeves or constantly pushing them up. One brand hangs below my fingers now. Hopefully the designers of jeans and dress pants won’t do the same thing.

            Pet Peeve 4: I was in the restroom at Walmart one day. I went to the sink to wash my hands and once I had them washed I looked for the paper towels to dry my hands. The sinks were on one side of the room and the paper towels were across the room, about 12 feet away, on the wall near the door. Most restrooms are like this not just the one there.

            I said to the other two women at the sinks: “Who thought it was a good idea to put the towels clear across the room?” The other two women just rolled their eyes, shook their heads and headed across the room to the paper towel dispenser. When we left the restroom there were three lines of large drops of water across the tile floor from the sinks to the paper towels. Surely there is room near the sinks to hang the paper towels so we are not dripping water all the way across the room and creating a slip hazard for other women. 

            I bet some of my Pet Peeves III strikes a cord with readers. I am sure during the year I will discover more Pet Peeves because my patience shoes are still lost and I can’t find them.  To Contact Sandy: [email protected]



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