The Night Before Christmas (2012)


Steve Gilliland


Twas the night before Christmas and out in the country

I climbed into my deer stand and made myself comfy.

I was waiting for Santa and his grain fed reindeer

Hoping to catch them as they flew through here.


The economy was shot and my cupboard was empty,

Reindeer meat in the freezer seemed pretty tempting.

As I sat in my stand and considered my options

A text was sent to the phone in my pocket.


My wife was reporting that it said on the news

Santa might not be coming tonight as we snooze.

It seemed someone had heard that in Santa’s pocket

Was a little gold cross on a chain with a locket.


Inside of the locket was a picture of Christ

Whose birth, after all is what we celebrate tonight.

So because of that cross someone was offended

And determined to see Santa’s visit was ended.


So much for fresh reindeer on the shelves of my freezer

Thanks to the thinking of some lost unbeliever.

I sat there in silence, stunned and dismayed

Wondering how anyone could feel that way.



If one person has decided that they don’t need Christ

Should the rest of the world’s joy be sacrificed?

It once was the norm that if you didn’t agree

You stated your feelings then let it be.


But today the minority seems to believe

They should hold all the power to make the majority grieve.

As I gathered my things to climb down from my tree

A bright light in the dark sky shown all around me.


The Christmas star, I believed was what I could see

But it grew closer and closer till it hovered above me.

I could see it was Santa and on the front of his sleigh

Was a huge glowing cross that lighted his way.


As he sped out of sight he exclaimed from a distance

“Blessed evening to all and keep Christ in your Christmas.”

Generations from now it will still be expounded

How St Nick had the courage to stand up and be counted.


So much for the hope of reindeer meat in my dish

I guess I’ll just have a salad or a nice piece of fish.


Merry Christmas from Steve and Joyce at Exploring Kansas Outdoors



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