Teen Leadership Groups


What is your definition of a leader? Harvey County 4-H gives youth a unique opportunity to discover what leadership means to them. Youth ages 13-18 have the opportunity to be a part of two leadership based 4-H groups in Harvey County, Junior Leaders and 4-H Ambassadors.

4-H is a youth development organization for youth ages 5-18 to join. Membership is free to age five and six-year-old Cloverbud members, and $15 annually for 4-H members age seven and up.

4-H members ages 13-18 are able to join our Junior Leaders program. Throughout this program youth are challenged to better understand their own leadership style while adding valuable input to a team. Junior Leaders meet once and month and participate in fun activities including Taste of Newton, the Harvey County Fair, and serving as counselors for the Harvey County Day Camp. Interested youth are invited to attend the 4-H Junior Leader’s Kick Off event on November 14th at 6:30 PM at the Harvey County 4-H Building at the Fairgrounds, 800 W. 1st Street in Newton. All youth ages 13 to 18 are invited to come and enjoy leadership games, snacks and fun activities! 4-H membership is not required to attend this event.

The 4-H Ambassador program is available to 4-H members who are currently in the 9th-12th grades. The objectives of 4-H Ambassadors are to serve as a public relations group for the Harvey County 4-H Program, to promote and strengthen Harvey County 4-H Clubs and the county wide 4-H program activities and events – tell the 4-H story, to organize 4-H promotion activities, to help conduct county 4-H events, informing and promoting in mass media, and to develop personal leadership skills and self-confidence. Applications for 4-H Ambassadors can be found atwww.harvey.ksre.edu and are due on October 31st, 2017.

If you know a teen that is ready to step up their leadership abilities, these are the groups for them. Youth will learn about the skills it takes to be a leader such as: understanding yourself, communicating, getting along with others, learning, making decisions, plus managing and working with groups. Contact Hannah at the Harvey County Extension Office (316) 284-6930 for more information.


Aline Bandeira

K-State Research and Extension

Harvey County

Office Professional

800 N Main, room 11

PO Box 583

Newton KS 67114


[email protected]




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