The Covered Dish: Beef tips in wine sauce


We can thank my assistant, Dawn, for this week’s recipe.  We’ve been visiting

with guests at work about how families celebrate Christmas.  It is so interesting

hearing how culinary fares change from each state and region, or simply from one

family to another!

In my youth Christmas Eve lunch was homemade pizza.  Mom would take off that

morning to make her Christmas tray deliveries.  For us kids it was the first day we

could sleep in.   (This is before school let out before Christmas Eve.)  Mom

returned from her ‘elfing’ with pizza in hand for lunch.  Hence a new family

tradition was born.

Then there’s Christmas Eve night; a couple of yummy soups, veggie platters and

an extravagant dessert.  Christmas Day we gathered at Grandma and Grandpa

Richardson’s house for the full holiday dinner.  If the weather was good dad and

Cousin John would go squirrel or rabbit hunting following the big meal and gift

exchange.   Grandma would reach into the ‘scary’ closet and pull out Christmas

Candies in the afternoon while we visited and watched the bubble lights on the

‘real’ Christmas tree.

After I married my immediate family has continued many of the traditions that I

have shared above.  There’s been one big change and that would be Christmas

Day dinner.  Before our son, Phillip, was born Ervin and I would have a steak, salad

and potato for Christmas dinner.  We kept the menu as simple as possible so we

could enjoy the day to the utmost.  We still start Christmas morning with

homemade cinnamon rolls or a tea ring.  Then around 11ish we get into the full-

blown Christmas morning breakfast.  For the evening meal it has varied over the

years.   A few times it has been this week’s beef tips recipe.  As I’ve shared before

it can go in the crock pot or Dutch oven.  Add the salad, pasta or rice and the meal

is complete with time for rest and relaxation.  This year because of the placement

of some family events we are having lasagna on Christmas Day.  Once again out

with the salad and French bread and the meal is complete.  What’s even better is

the fact that I make the lasagna two weeks ahead of time and freeze it!

I’ve had friends from Platte County who used the beef tips on Christmas Eve

because of their church obligations.  It was easy because it held if they were late

getting home for the meal.

Whether you’re breaking bread with a can of chicken noodle soup or the full-

blown holiday style dinner make it special.  Build a memory the kids will never

forget.  Use this week’s recipe for an impressive gathering and you’ll have more

time to enjoy.  Cherish each day of the holiday season and hug those kids and

grandkids til’ they burst!  Simply yours, The Covered Dish.

Beef Tips in Wine Sauce

2 pounds sirloin beef, cut into 1 inch pieces

2 (10 ¾ ounces ea.) cans Golden Mushroom soup

1 cup red/burgundy wine, (Merlot works)

1 package dry onion soup mix

1 (6.5 ounce) can sliced mushrooms

3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

Place all ingredients in a large Dutch oven or crockpot.  Cook at 250 degrees for 4

hours.  Stir only one time during the cooking.  This should serve 8 persons unless

my family is coming!  Originally the recipe called for regular mushroom soup,

however I did not care for the ‘color’ so I changed it to Golden Mushroom soup.  If

you desire more mushrooms put them in or even use fresh.  Green onions or

small white onions would also be a good addition.  Serve over the top of rice or

your favorite pasta.


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