The Covered Dish: Key Lime Pie


Instead of the usual Fourth of July meals of brats and burgers try a new swing with a shrimp boil!  Or, any kind of boil for that matter.  The key lime pie I am about to feature was written 3-4 years ago and I always look for reasons to prepare it!  Doesn’t take much as this recipe is a real keeper.  If I promised you  accolades and accolades galore would you consider it?  I hope so, as it’s certainly been well received by many guests at work and on the home front.  You don’t even have to have a crab boil for goodness sakes.  This pie goes with everything and it’s very refreshing to boot.

Since I work 4th of July weekend I’m sure our dinner will stay more on the ‘simpler’ side of things.  Currently we’re trying to figure out where our son, Phillip, can shoot his bottle rockets and fun pyromaniac things.  I’m hoping a friend with more property than us will extend an invitation.  Of course, I’ll come with food right along with the fireworks.   Last year one of our neighbors got all worked up over a few parachute men.  I certainly don’t want to have that encounter again.

As you make the key lime pie remember to research the story behind this wonderful dessert.  It was created by a ships cook with the limes carried on board the ships.  Remember sailors were nicknamed ‘limeys’ because they ate limes in order to ward off scurvy.  Key lime pies were also made with sweet condensed milk because in those days canned milk was all they had in Key West.  Remember not to put your limes in a professional juicer machine because the green and white skin goes in too.  This generates a very bitter key lime pie.  You will need to squeeze these with a small electric juicer where you extract only the interior juice.

I wish I could run a couple of recipes this week because I’m hungry for a batch of homemade potato salad and of course a pan of baked beans.  Oh yes, I am happy to report that our son, Phillip, now ‘loves’ baked beans.  In fact I make them quite often because he is enjoying them so much.  I thought for a while he would never come around to enjoying one of my favorite foods!

Our independence is something we take for granted in this country.  In other areas of our world choices are a bare minimum.  Dream and goals are not encouraged, and religious freedoms are not even a possibility.   Embrace this holiday with a moment to reflect upon why we celebrate the Fourth of July.  Praise God in your prayers for freedom, and remember our men & women serving our country.  God Bless, Simply yours, The Covered Dish.



Key Lime Pie

By Emeril Lagasse


Graham Cracker Crust for 9 inch pie.



2 whole eggs, slightly beaten

2 cans sweet condensed milk

1 cup lime juice, (I use fresh squeezed limes, about 8!)


1 cup sour cream

2 tablespoons powdered sugar

Lime Zest to garnish


Set oven at 350 degrees.  Beat the eggs and stir together with the milk and lime juice.  Pour into the crust and bake for 15 minutes.  Remove and cool at least 2 hours before adding the topping mixture.  Spread the topping thinly over the filling.  Add the lime zest just before serving for best color and presentation, etc.  Refrigerate.


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