St. Jerome


I have had people ask me many times how I come up with the topic for my columns? I am generally inspired and since I have a wide range of interests so generally it is not a problem. Except right now.

Since my next book is at the publisher being worked over and it will not be out until November, I am not working on it. In fact I am not doing much. Reading is getting harder since I have a cataract in my one eye and it will not be fixed until October. Generally I am absorbed in a book when not in the office. I have four books going right now but I cannot devote the time to them as I normally would.

Of course the presidential campaigns are all fired up a full year before they should be. It only makes me feel like the donkey being hit on the head. I just absorb it all and endure it.

I do like the History Guy on You Tube and other subjects so I feel like I am in an online history course. But at the moment I am quite uninspired.

When you commit yourself to do something like write a piece every week, at some point you run out of stockpiled material and have to figure out something to say. I have to figure out something or the one reader who thinks I just ‘wonder around’ with my stories will start being believed by others.

Even though I was not going to attend the Symphony in the Flint Hills, I am a bit down about the storm stopping the show. I have friends involved with it and I feel bad for them. I also feel bad about the guests who came from as far away as Uruguay to see the wonder of the Flint Hills and participate in this annual celebration.

This is also the time of year that I always get excited about the wheat harvest. This year it is going to be a woolly booger to get done. I don’t drive the combine any more but that does not stop me from feeling the excitement of the time.

I am sure that you all have times when you are just down a bit and the inspiration is hard fought. Then you can understand when I write about this time of year.

The great thing is there are no fires in the hills right now, but wow the grass is growing. Since the first of May we have had 26 1/2 inches of rain here on the hill. Maybe sunshine is the cure. Would I call this the summertime blues? There is already a song about that.

I ran across a very interesting story but it will take a lot of research to hammer out a coherent story. It contains a bit of good news and sheds some light on the status of our rural experience that we may have missed.

In the meantime this is a story about nothing. But they did a television show about that haven’t they?

Oh well.


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