2020 County Commission Candidate Forum Press Release


Meet the Candidates

On Thursday, July 9th at 7:00 p.m., the McPherson Chamber of Commerce Civic Awareness
Committee will host a County Commission Candidate Forum at the American Legion Post
#24, 401 N. Main, McPherson. Join us for the opportunity to get to know the candidates seeking
the County Commissioner positions. McPherson County Candidates are Larry Froese, Tom
Kueser, James E. Melland and David A. O’Dell.

The format of the candidate forum will be a question and answer, not a debate. Candidates and
incumbents will have an opportunity to make a 3-minute opening statement which may include
their reason for seeking office, experience, and qualifications. Questions from the audience will
be gathered by the committee and screened for duplication, legibility, and suitability. Candidates
will have one minute to address each question.

The County Commission Candidate Forum will also be aired on McPherson Radio KBBE
96.7FM/KNGL 1540AM for those who are unable or do not wish to attend in person. The
American Legion is following the guidelines provided by the KDHE and taking precautions to
sanitize. Stay home if you do not feel well or are running a temperature. Attendees are
encouraged to maintain a 6’ distance between those from other households, practice cough
etiquette, and wash hands frequently with soap and water.

The forum is free and open to the public. The McPherson Chamber of Commerce Civic
Awareness Committee hosts the candidate forums as a service, to allow candidates seeking
public office to express their views openly so community members can understand their
positions and make informed voting choices. Information on advanced voting, voting on election
day, polling locations, precinct maps, candidate lists and other information, can be found on the
county website at www.mcphersoncountyks.us.



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