Augusta: 4th Annual Elmwood Cemetery Tour


The 4th Annual Elmwood Cemetery Tour will be held on Oct. 17. The event, sponsored by the Augusta Historical Society.  The local tour includes actors portraying some of Augusta’s prominent citizens who have their final resting place in the city’s cemetery and mausoleum. Some of the citizens featured this year are: Gus Skaer (Clint Headley), William Chisman (Mike Shryock), J.R. Gardner (Jerry Blair), Carhart Ralston (Matt Childers), Mary E. Haines (Cynthia Wilson), John C. Haines (Bob Bailey) and Stella Haines (Linda Bailey). The tour will begin in the mausoleum, where there will be short and informative talk by Melody Kuhlmann, museum director. There will be cemetery themed cookies available. There are three evening tours; 6:30, 7 and 7:30. Tickets are expected to sell quickly, so make your reservation.  Tickets are $7 each, and can be purchased at the Augusta Historical Museum and Cooper Drug. 


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