Birds need food in the winter


Although the temperatures have dropped, some birds have stayed behind and will scrounge for food.

Kansas State University horticulture expert Ward Upham said food is the resource most lacking for birds during the winter. This is the time of year they will look to feeders.

“Different bird species do prefer different grains, but black oil sunflower seed has universal appeal for most species,” Upham said in a release. “White proso millet is a second favorite for most species. If you want your feeder to have broad bird appeal, then consider putting out a mix with a high percentage of these seeds.”

Multiple feeders with a variety of feed will attract different species and keep the around your home.

Common foods for different species:
The following list was compiled by Upham.

Cardinals, evening grosbeak, most finches: sunflower seeds, all types.

Rufous-sided towhee: white proso millet.

Dark-eyed junco: white and red proso millet, canary seed, fine cracked corn.

Many sparrows: white and red proso millet.

Bluejay: peanut kernels and sunflower seeds of all types.

Chickadees, tufted titmouse: peanut kernels, oil (black) and black-striped sunflower seeds.

Red-breasted nuthatch: oil (black) and black-striped sunflower seeds.

Brown thrasher: hulled and black-striped sunflower seeds.

Red-winged blackbird: white and red proso millet, German (golden) millet.

Mourning dove: oil (black) sunflower seeds, white and red proso, German (golden millet).

Snow and below freezing temperatures means that water will freeze, making it unavailable to birds. A heated birdbath attracts birds in droves when all other water is frozen. If the heated birdbath contains a built-in thermostat, the energy usage is far less than people expect, Upham noted.

As reported in the Hutchinson News.


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