USD 312 Bond Voting Results: Who voted, and how


Reno County has released the unofficial Vote Count on the USD 312 Bond.

Total Count was 542 votes in favor and 401 votes opposed.

One item of interest is that over 81% of Haven Community Members voted in favor of the bond while 88% of voters from Sedgwick County voted in opposition. Mt. Hope is the largest community from Sedgwick in the voting area with 813 community members.

           (Unofficial as of 6.11.2015)
Precinct / Township Number of % Voter % %
Registered Voters Turnout Yes No
26 25 0 0 0
26 Enclave 90 0 0 0
34 1 0 0 0
Castleton 36 11 100 0
Center 293 18 28 72
Clay South H101 127 9 64 36
Clay South H102A 5 0 0 0
Haven 1122 37 81 19
Lincoln 333 14 39 61
Ninnescah 13 23 100 0
Reno South 57 23 85 15
Salt Creek 68 19 54 46
Sumner 76 89 49 51
Valley 272 17 1 9
Yoder 385 24 51 49
Harvey County 3 33 100 0
Sedgwick County 545 33 11 89
Total 3451 27 57 43


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