Kansas Turnpike Authority updates


Cashless Tolling News
Milestones continue to be reached as part of KTA’s conversion to cashless tolling. Here’s a few things to know:

DriveKS is Kansas’ new toll payment system. At www.DriveKS.com you can view transactions, pay your toll, order a KTAG and more.
A new DriveKS app, with the same online functionality as the website, is now available in the App Store and Google Play.

Toll statements began being issued August 1 through the DriveKS system. Learn how the DriveKS billing process works and read the news release.
Toll booth removal and lane reconfiguration is underway. Read the toll plaza construction news release to learn which eight toll plazas will be first.

How To Best Use DriveKS
DriveKS incorporates many toll management features customers have been asking for – vehicle info and nicknames, communication preferences, ability to filter transactions and more. However, we know getting used to something new can be hard. We’re here to help!

Check out these ‘how-to’ videos or view the entire DriveKS playlist. The DriveKS FAQs are also a good resource. Remember, to check back for updated information as we fine-tune the new system. Don’t find your answer? Contact our Customer Service Team by email, phone or walk-in.

How to: Understand your DriveKS Statement
How to: Update your License Plate
How to: Add a Rental or Visitor Vehicle to your Account

Annual Customer Survey
Provide your feedback in our annual Customer Satisfaction Survey and you could win one of six $50 Amazon gift cards! Your participation will help us prioritize what is most important to our customers. Prior feedback collected has resulted in electric vehicle charging stations, increased overhead bridge clearance, and KTA’s transition to cashless tolling. Take the survey today.

Construction Report
Construction at toll plazas due to cashless tolling is underway, but we’ve also been busy with other roadway improvements. Learn the latest project status in this month’s construction report.

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