Bethany: Professor wins fellowship


Bethany College Professor of Religion Tyler Atkinson is among the winners of the Kansas University Hall Center Visiting Regional Humanities Faculty fellowship. He will work on humanities scholarship and teaching improvement projects while in residence at the Hall Center for approximately three to four weeks in 2016.

Atkinson will focus on writing and teaching #BlackLivesMatter while at KU. He intends to conduct research and make progress on his publication “Luther, Bonhoeffer, and #BlackLivesMatter in Dialogue,” which poses the question: 500 years after Luther’s nailing of the “95 Theses” to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, how might the Reformation heritage prove generative for contemporary discussion of race in America? Atkinson will work in conjunction with the Department of African & African-American Studies, the Langston Hughes Center, KU Center for Teaching Excellence and the Hall Center on this hybrid writing and teaching project.


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