Lindsborg: The Old Fashioned Christmas Events at the Old Mill Museum continues on Dec 10th


McKinney Sisters Photo:  The McKinney Sisters from Moundridge join McPherson’s Men in Harmony, the Prairie Wind Harps and the Mennonite Chorus for beautiful holiday music this week at the Old Fashioned Christmas event at the Old Mill.





An “Old-Fashioned Christmas” celebration continues this Saturday evening, Dec. 10th,  at the Old Mill Museum from 5 to  8:30 pm .

The spirit of a 1880s prairie Christmas awaits you!  Enjoy the museum grounds lit by kerosene lanterns as you stroll between music, drama and children’s activities.

Groups providing joyful music at the Pavilion include:  5:30 – Prairie Wind Harps, 6:00 – Silver Tones Flute Choir, 6:30 – Men In Harmony, 7:00 – Mennonite Chorus, 7:30 – The McKinney Sisters.

The Smoky Valley High School Drama Team presents the one-act play ‘Christmas At the Depot’ with performances repeating throughout the evening.

Join a shepherd as he shares the traditional Christmas story in the stable every half hour beginning at 5:15.



Millers provide guided tours of the historic flour mill every half hour throughout the evening.

Find children’s Christmas crafts in the one-room school and decorate sugar cookies courtesy of The Cake Lady.

Share wishes with Santa as he strolls the grounds.

Warm up with tasty holiday refreshments and shop for unique gifts in the museum gift shop.

Don’t miss this last chance to enjoy an Old-Fashioned Christmas, Saturday, Dec. 10th,   from 5:00 – 8:30, at the Old Mill Museum.

Admission is just $2 for adults, $1 for children ages 6-12, and everyone under 6 is FREE.

For more info call 785-227-3595, or visit



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