McPherson: Water & Waste Awareness Month


The McPherson County Department of Planning, Zoning and Environment is excited to present WATER & WASTE AWARENESS MONTH 2015. The purpose of the program is to leverage corresponding efforts by State and Federal agencies to provide information for the public and specifically residents of the County whose homes operate on water wells and wastewater systems about the importance of managing and operating safe, clean, and efficient systems.


Topic Highlight Schedule

Sep. 7-13 – Groundwater Protection

Sep. 14-20 – Water Use and You

Sep. 21-27 – Septic Systems

Sep. 28-Oct. 4 – Individual and Public Health


There are several efforts by Federal and State agencies, as well as non-governmental associations to provide information about water and wastewater systems throughout the month of September, including:


The McPherson County Departments of Planning, Zoning & Environment will be using the month to continue efforts in providing County residents tips on the importance of having working knowledge of their private systems, how to most effectively use them, and the consequences of failing systems. We will be using the following webpage as a central location for content:


The page will provide users with a brief overview of topics and links to sources of additional information, including the other agencies’ efforts.


For additional information, please contact:


John Verssue


Department of Planning, Zoning & Environment

McPherson County

1115 W Avenue A

McPherson, KS 67460

(620) 241-2288

[email protected]


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