Medicare Open Enrollment


Open enrollment for 2022 Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans will be held from October 15 through December 7, 2021.  The Reno County Department of Aging will once again partner with trained SHICK volunteers from the Reno County Volunteer Center to offer counseling and assistance for Reno County residents over age 60 who need help enrolling or reviewing their drug coverage. SHICK is the acronym for the Senior Health Insurance Counselors in Kansas program conducted through the Kansas Department of Aging.   

 The counseling and enrollment assistance will be offered through personal telephone appointments on a first come first served basis. Appointments are available now and will be accepted through November 30. Those interested in assistance can call 620-694-2911 for an appointment.  Those with appointments will be mailed a Medicare Part D Worksheet.  The worksheet must be completed and submitted along with a copy of their Prescription Drug list to the Department of Aging.  

 The prescription drug list may be obtained from the pharmacy, the physician’s office or be handwritten, but must be legible. 

 The completed Medicare Part D worksheet and drug list should be submitted in a sealed envelope and placed in the Red Medicare Drop Box located inside the door of the Reno County Department of Aging or mailed to 120 West Ave B Hutchinson, KS 67501. 

Who needs an appointment?

If you are on Medicare Part A or Part A & B and currently have or want to have a Part D Prescription Drug Plan

Who Doesn’t need an appointment?

 If you are currently on KanCare you do not need to make an appointment because your prescription drugs are being managed through the KanCare program.

If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, contact your plan provider to discuss your prescription drug coverage for 2022.  You do not need an appointment.

During the personal phone appointment, a trained Volunteer SHICK counselor will enter the worksheet and drug list information in the site. This will generate a list of Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plans in ranking order based on cost and coverage. A volunteer will discuss the choices plans with the Medicare recipient.  The volunteer will provide unbiased and impartial information that will enable the Medicare recipient to make an informed decision about their drug plan coverage for 2022.  If the person decides to change plans, the volunteer will complete the enrollment process for them. For further information please call the Reno County Department of Aging at 620-694-2911.


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