Newton: Women’s Community Foundation – Open House


The Women’s Community Foundation (WCF), a local charitable “giving circle” managed by Central Kansas Community Foundation, is hosting its third annual WCF Open House July 7, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Old Mill Plaza, 1st Floor.

The 2016 Advisory Board, Jennifer Vogts (Chair), Diana Torline (Vice Chair), Linda Hwa Davis (Secretary), Rosalind Scudder (Grants Committee Chair) and Jan Hoberecht (Member at Large), are excited to kick off this year with their Women’s Community Foundation Open House which was so well received last year.  They will be hosting this gathering to celebrate the philanthropic impact of WCF on the community and to share their mission by encouraging more local women to get involved.  In their excitement for launching their membership drive, which raises monies for the 2016 WCF grant cycle, they decided to put on this night of recognition so attending guests can learn more about the good works of WCF, meet WCF members and visit with representatives from Newton and Harvey County non-profit agencies who have received grant awards in prior years.

It is worth mentioning that WCF has created six different membership levels.  “We are all at different places in our lives with different financial commitments that we work around.  We want to make it easier for women of all ages and economic levels to donate to WCF and feel good about their level of donation.”   said Jennifer Vogts.  “The more women who join at any level increases the direct amount we are able to award in grants to non-profits serving our community.  We realize that sometimes life intervenes, and we are unable to give every year or give the same amount every year.  We understand that and appreciate all amounts that are given.”  The deadline for membership donations is September 1, 2016 to be included in this year’s grant cycle.

In 2015, WCF awarded over $19,000.00 in grants to 11 local non-profits.  WCF has been impacting the Newton and Harvey County area for 16 years!  For the 16th year of giving, WCF’s goal is to match or exceed monies raised last year for their upcoming 2016 grant cycle.  “The impact these gifts have made in our local community is the real beauty of this type of sisterhood.” said Linda Hwa Davis.  Past grant recipients have been invited as special guests to the Open House and will have an opportunity to share their stories during the event.  Sharing how Women’s Community Foundation grants have impacted lives locally will increase awareness of growing needs and opportunities that funding like this can help support.

The Women’s Community Foundation (formerly Women’s Community Fund) was started in 2000 by five friends sitting around a kitchen table who wanted to make a difference.  That simple idea has since generated nearly $260,000.00 to benefit charities in Newton and Harvey County.  The mission of the WCF is to provide an avenue for women to engage in local philanthropy.  WCF members share a belief that by working with others, instead of alone, they can maximize their efforts to make a positive impact within their community.  The motto, “Together, we can accomplish great things!”, reinforces the notion that by pooling funds, women donors can make a significant difference to the projects/programs they support within their neighborhoods.

In 2013, the WCF membership voted to create their first endowed fund in memory and honor of Jan Saab, one of the five founding WCF members.  In less than two years, the Jan Elizabeth Saab Endowment Fund surpassed the 10K milestone marking 2016 as its 2nd year of generating funds available for grant awards!

Since then, two more WCF endowment funds have been created.  The Colleen McCullough Endowment Fund was created in 2014 by the McCullough family in memory of Colleen McCullough, a dedicated WCF member.  The most recent endowment fund created by the membership at the 2014 WCF Annual Meeting is the Women’s Community Fund Endowment.  The creation of these endowment funds preserves the principal of the funds while using interest and earnings for the benefit of the charities supported by the Women’s Community Foundation.

All are welcome to attend the WCF Open House on July 7, 2016!  If you would like to attend or learn more about the Women’s Community Foundation, please contact Brenda Sooter, CKCF Grants Coordinator, at [email protected] or 316-283-5474 to RSVP.  For more information go to

2015 WCF Grant Recipient

CASA A Voice for Children

Lifebook Project – $2,565.00

Harvey County DV/SA Task Force

Helping Harvey County Families Rebuild Lives – $2,000.00

Harvey County Health Department

Promoting a Healthier Harvey County through Bicycling – $1,500.00

Harvey County Homeless Shelter

Resident Assistance – $2,000.00

Health Ministries Clinic

Bridge to Better Health – $1,500.00

Heart to Heart Child Advocacy Center

Off-Site and Backup Portable Recording Device – $844.00

HOPE Home Repair

Home Repairs Emergency Fund – $2,975.00

Newton Meals on Wheels

Newton Meals on Wheels – $1,000.00

Peace Connections

Summer Enrichment Activities for Kids (S.E.A.K.) – $2,500.00

St. Matthews Payee Program

Dental Care Project – $1,500.00

Trinity Heights Respite-Care

Parents Day Out – $800.00


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