Today’s News from the University of Kansas 8/24/2020


Today’s News from the University of Kansas


From the Office of Public Affairs |


Media advisory

Contact: Mike Krings, KU News Service, 785-864-8860, [email protected]@MikeKrings

As students return to school, inequality, racial bias inequality

brought to fore, education expert says


LAWRENCE — Schools across the country are reopening, and students are returning to classrooms with many questions lingering beyond how they will stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic has affected communities of color disproportionately, it illustrates how education in America still struggles with questions of equity, race, equality, safety in schools, discipline and related issues.


Dorothy Hines, assistant professor of curriculum & teaching and African & African-American studies at the University of Kansas, studies education, race, discipline and how schools handle punishment of students. She is available to speak with media about students returning to school, equity, race, equality, Black communities, Black women and girls, equity in education, discipline, the school-to-prison pipeline, discipline during a pandemic and related topics.


“Racial inequality has been a preexisting condition in our society. But it can be uprooted if we are intentional about addressing its symptoms and treating it head-on,” Hines said.


Hines has published numerous scholarly articles on skewed racial discipline and how it can be addressed, how race and culture affect school discipline and dropout ratesat-risk students and more.


To schedule an interview, contact Mike Krings at [email protected] or @MikeKrings.




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