Valley Center: Anna Taylor performs in KWU-SCT production of “Into the Woods”


Anna Taylor is among the Kansas Wesleyan University students taking part in the cast and orchestra for the KWU-SCT production of “Into the Woods” in Salina, KS.

Kansas Wesleyan University is proud to partner with the Salina Community Theatre (SCT) to present the musical production “Into The Woods,” which will be on stage at SCT for three weekends, April 8-24, 2016. Twenty-eight KWU students, faculty and alumni are part of the cast, crew and pit orchestra for this production.

A childless baker and his wife endeavor to lift their family curse by journeying into the woods, where they encounter Rapunzel (and her witchly “mother”), Cinderella, Jack (of Beanstalk fame), Little Red Riding Hood and other classic fairy tale characters, and they all must learn the responsibility that comes with getting what you want. Tickets are available from the Salina Community Theatre box office (

Last spring, Michael Spicer, Executive Director of the SCT, directed Godspell on the KWU campus. With the addition in 2015 of Karen Babcock Brassea, director of Kansas Wesleyan’s new music theatre major and choreographer for “Into the Woods,” the university has expanded opportunities for students interested in theatre performance. Learn more at


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