Wichita: BBQ 101 workshop is June 25th


We all know it – that enticing aroma that fills the air when someone is barbecuing. To get you ready for the season, Kansas State University will host Barbecue 101 workshops on June 25 at the Sedgwick County Extension Office. The course will cover meat cutting basics, barbecue food safety, selecting the right smoker, meat cuts to stretch the dollar and how barbecue varies by region are among the topics covered.

Lunch, an apron and a Barbecue 101 course book with cooking guides, recipes and tips are included in the registration fee of $50 per person or $80 per couple. Registration for each workshop closes one week prior to the event. More information and online registration is available at www.asi.k-state.edu/barbecue101workshop.html, or contact Lois Schreiner at [email protected].


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