Wichita: Herb Day is May 7


Saturday, May 7, 2016 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Sedgwick County Extension Education Center

7001 W. 21st Street North, Wichita, KS 67205

Sponsored by Sedgwick County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers and Herb Society of South Central Kansas

The 22nd Annual Herb Day will be held on Saturday May 7, 2016 from 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Sedgwick County Extension Education Center at 21st Street North and Ridge Road in Wichita. You will learn about selecting, planting, maintaining, and cooking with herbs! The National Herb of the Year for 2016 is Peppers, which will be featured in the demonstrations and seminars.

The featured speaker, Lenora Larson, is a Marais des Cygnes Extension Master Gardener.

In addition, seminars by members of the Herb Society, Extension Master Gardeners, and Extension Agents will cover topics relating to growing and cooking with herbs. Plant vendors from around the region will have herbs and other plants for sale.

Herb Day Events:

 Seminars in the Sunflower Room and the Demonstration Garden

 Master Gardener Plant Sale

 Herb Society Lunch Sale

 Children’s Activity

 Garden Magazine Sale

 Vendors selling herbs and other garden related items

 Door Prizes


Kansas Grown! Farmer’s Market will be going on in the parking lot.

Seminars in the Sunflower Room:

8:30 Peppers – Rebecca McMahon – Horticulture Agent

9:30 Got Milk? Gardening for Monarchs – Lenora Larson

11:00 Butterflies in your Vegetable Garden – Lenora Larson

Seminars in the Demonstration Garden:

8:00 Composting Demonstration

9:00 Container Gardening for the Bees and Butterflies

10:00 Cooking with Peppers

11:00 The Licorice Herbs: Anise Hyssop, French Tarragon, Fennel

For more information: sedgwick.ksu.edu


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