Wilhelm named FFA President


MANHATTAN, Kan. – Karl Wilhelm from the Holton FFA chapter was elected to serve as the 2014- 2015 state FFA president at the 87th Kansas FFA Convention May 27-29 on the Kansas State University campus. Wilhelm was among 18 candidates running for a state officer position to represent more than 8,800 Kansas FFA members.

As state FFA president, Wilhelm will serve on a team of six officers who will travel across the state sharing their passion for agriculture, leadership and service. Kansas FFA officers present workshops and conferences across the state and challenge FFA members to serve their communities and the agriculture industry.

The 2015-2016 Kansas FFA Officer team includes: President Karl Wilhelm, Holton FFA; Vice President Bailey Peterson, Buhler FFA; Secretary Dean Klahr, Holton FFA; Treasurer Lane Coberly, Chapman FFA; Reporter Kyler Langvardt, Chapman FFA; and Sentinel Gabryelle Gilliam, Washington County FFA.

Wilhelm has served as a Chapter Vice President and been involved in various Career Development Events during his four years in FFA. His SAE is in sales and service. He plans to attend Kansas State University next fall with the career objective of becoming a chemical engineer with a focus on crop variety development.

Karl is the son of Kevin and Brenda Wilhelm, and his advisors are Alex Bartel and Jason Larison.





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