Commodity Highlight— Kansas Wheat 


Information courtesy of Kansas Farm Bureau’s Education and Training division

As Kansans, we take pride when we sing America the Beautiful and say, “for amber waves of grain.” As American society becomes less agrarian, one cultural mainstay is consistent. Kansas is known as a wheat state which feeds the world. As harvest approaches in the summer season, here are highlights of the crop:

  • Kansas is annually one of the states, if not the first, which produces the most wheat in the United States.
  • All the wheat grown in Kansas in a single season would fill a train stretching from Kansas’ western border to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The state grows three types of wheat:
    • Hard Red Winter
    • Soft Red Winter
    • Hard White
  • Kansas is No. 1 in flour milling, according to the Wheat Foods Council.
  • In 2019-2021, the U.S. exported 105,009,000 bushels of wheat.

For more information, see the USDA.


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