Day 3, Kansas Wheat Harvest Report


This is day 3 of the 2016 Kansas Wheat Harvest Reports, brought to you by the Kansas Wheat Commission, Kansas Association of Wheat Growers and the Kansas Grain and Feed Association.

Combines continue to roll in south central Kansas as the hot summer sun is just starting to warm up. Farmers continue to share snippets of harvest under #wheatharvest16 with sightings of cut fields and running combines in spread out locations. Many reports indicate that harvest will spread quickly throughout the state after this weekend’s hot, dry weather.

Aaron Schreiner, representative of the Anthony Farmers Coop in Sharon, said that test weights have held a solid 62-63 pounds per bushel with every load that has come across the scales. The Sharon branch received its first load of wheat on Tuesday. While it’s still too early for a protein content and fair yield estimates, Schreiner says, “the wheat looks good.”

“Just about everything that hasn’t been hailed out looks like an above average crop,” said Schreiner.

Tom Morton who farms near Oxford, Kansas, reports that harvest is in full swing in Sumner County. He started harvesting on Wednesday, and reports that he has some good wheat and some mediocre wheat, but quality and yields look better than expected, with test weights of 60 pounds plus per bushel. Morton attributed that to the cool weather during grain fill.

Harvest has gotten off to a slow start in Argonia, reported Aaron Hemberger, representative of the Danville Coop Association. While he didn’t have any protein content information to share, Hemberger reported that test weights are averaging a little over 60 pounds per bushel. He anticipates that cutting will ramp up in his area this weekend with the warm, dry weather and the arrival of custom harvesters.

“Overall, wheat will be better in our area than last year,” Hemberger said.

The 2016 Harvest Report is brought to you by Kansas Wheat Commission, Kansas Association of Wheat Growers and Kansas Grain and Feed Association.


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