K-State’s A.J. Tarpoff to share biosecurity tips and strategies Oct. 14 in Dodge City


Growing and raising food to feed a growing world population is an important job and a huge undertaking for all farmers and ranchers. Besides the task of raising a wholesome food product, producers are also responsible for keeping that food supply safe. That task may seem daunting to many.

K-State Research and Extension, the Ford County Extension Office, Ford County Emergency Management and the 3i Show have teamed up to offer farmers, ranchers, emergency personnel and the general public the opportunity to learn more about keeping an important part of the food supply, livestock, safe in southwest Kansas.

During the 3i Show, A.J. Tarpoff, K-State Extension Beef veterinarian, will present the program “Protecting Livestock from Disease: Basics of Biosecurity” on Friday Oct. 14 at 11 a.m. and again at 4 p.m.

The goal of biosecurity is to protect animal health, Tarpoff said. Biosecurity incorporates those management practices aimed at keeping new diseases off the farm and keeping diseases from spreading from group to group on the farm. Biosecurity is the most effective method of disease control.

Tarpoff will share how livestock producers can control disease by controlling animal movement. His program will include biosecurity tips related to all livestock types and operations.

The extension veterinarian joined the K-State Department of Animal Sciences and Industry as an assistant professor in June. He works closely with the state’s extension program to help improve the health of cow-calf, stocker and feedlot cattle. Previously, he worked as a feedlot veterinarian focusing on herd-based production medicine, disease surveillance, mitigation and federal import and export issues.

The 62nd Annual 3i Show is a free-admission farm show in Dodge City, Kansas, which showcases hundreds of exhibitors and demonstrations for those in the agriculture industry. The show runs Oct. 13, 14 and 15 at the Western State Bank Expo Center, 11333 U.S. Highway 283. Show hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 13 and 14, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 15.

With more than 1,000 companies participating, the 3i Show provides a face-to-face, hands-on selling environment with information to assist with farm and ranch buying decisions. Agricultural equipment and services are on display each year, including cattle handling equipment, crop protection information, farm machinery and equipment, trucks and truck equipment, pickup trucks and more.

For more information about the Livestock Biosecurity program, contact the Ford County Extension office at 620-227-4542. For more information about the 3i Show, email the Western Kansas Manufacturer’s Association at [email protected] or visit www.3ishow.com .


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