Kansas women elected to leadership roles with American Agri-Women


Members of Kansas Agri-Women are leading efforts to advocate for agriculture on a national scale, with 10 women recently elected to board and committee positions with American Agri-Women (AAW).

AAW is the nation’s largest coalition of farm, ranch and agribusiness women representing more than 50 state, commodity and agribusiness affiliates. AAW promotes the welfare of our national security through a safe and reliable food, fiber and mineral supply. Kansas Agri-Women is among AAW’s oldest affiliates. Both are celebrating their 40th anniversary.

Two KAW members were elected to the executive committee at the annual convention, held recently in College Corner, Ohio:

  • Donnell Scott, Manhattan, Kan., is vice president of education.
  • Lynn Woolf, Milton, Kan., is vice president of communications. Woolf also received the 2014 President’s Award.

Other KAW members holding national positions include:


  • Jean Goslin, Dwight, Kan., is KAW president and serves on the AAW Foundation board.
  • Abby Amick, Alma, Kan., serves on the communications committee.
  • Lori Bammerlin, Council Grove, is president of the Flint Hills Chapter of KAW and serves on the AAW Foundation board.
  • Wanda Kinney, Carbondale, Kan., serves on the nominating committee and the American Grown Goodness and animal welfare subcommittees of the vital issues committee.
  • Bobbi Olivier of Harper, Kan., and KAW’s past president, serves as livestock subcommittee chair for the vital issues committee.
  • Lesley Schmidt, Park City, Kan., and KAW’s first vice president serves on the 40th anniversary event committee planning.
  • Donita Whitney-Bammerlin, Manhattan, Kan., serves on the entrepreneurship subcommittee of the vital issues committee.
  • Chris Wilson, Manhattan, Kan., past national president, serves on the American Grown Goodness subcommittee of the vital issues committee.

More info

Kansas Agri-Women focuses on ag education and advocacy. Its motto is “From Producer to Consumer with Understanding.” Find KAW on social media at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kansas-Agri-Women and Twitter.com/KSWomen4Ag/ (@KSWomen4Ag).

Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers; advocate for agriculture; and offer networking and professional development opportunities. Go to the AAW web site for more information and to join, www.americanagriwomen.org. Find AAW on social media at: Facebook.com/AgriWomen/ and Twitter.com/Women4Ag/ (@Women4Ag).


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