KFU Member Call to Action: Beef Checkoff Reform


The Beef Checkoff began in order to fund promotion of wholesome US beef. Since its inception in the mid 80’s, the national checkoff has come under the direction and control of people who oppose Country of Origin Labeling. That opposition accomplishes two negative objectives. It denies the ability for Kansas cattlemen to see their product showcased in consumer markets as a safe and wholesome local product. It also denies the rights of consumers who want to know where the food they serve their families came from.

Kansas farmers and ranchers should be assured that the checkoff money they give in support of born, raised, and slaughtered, wholesome US beef, is used for that purpose and that purpose alone.

If those things are important to you too, read NFU president Roger Johnson’s letter here:


Then go to the USDA website where comments are being accepted through December 10 and make your feelings known; Any organization that politicizes the check off and uses its economic power against US farmers and ranchers is clearly wrong.

Your comments can be recorded here:



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