Spring Livestock Meeting

By Ryan Flaming, County Extension Agent, Agriculture & Natural Resources

Harvey County Livestock Association Spring Meeting

Area producers are invited to attend the Harvey County Livestock Association Spring meeting on Monday, March 9. It will be held at the 4-H Building in Newton. Registration & meal is at 6:00 PM with program at 7:00 PM. The Associations annual meeting will follow the program. 

The program topic will be on Livestock Insurance, how insurance handles losses & coverage, and how to make sure you are signed up for the correct coverage. Brad Klassen from Farm Bureau Financial Services & Kim Manring from Fuqua Insurance will be the presenters. 

Meal & handouts are $10.00 per person. Pre-registration is needed by March 5. Call the Extension office at 316-284-6930 or email me at [email protected].


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