Taiwan Agricultural Youth Exchange Program Accepting Applications


The 2016 Taiwan Agricultural Youth Exchange Program is currently accepting applications from high school seniors or college freshmen who are passionate about agriculture and are interested in representing Kansas in a week-long exchange program in December 2016.

Each year the National Taichung Agricultural Senior High School in central Taiwan hosts students from the Midwest for this program. Selected students will tour agricultural facilities and businesses in Taiwan, and will learn about Taiwanese agriculture.  This program will take place Dec. 5-10, 2016.

Exports play an important role in Kansas agriculture. According to Euromonitor, Kansas exported nearly $98 million in agricultural goods to Taiwan in 2015, including beef, oil seeds, live animals, cereal grains, wheat flour and vegetables.  Globally, exports of agricultural products contributed just over $3.3 billion to the Kansas economy in 2015.

“The Taiwan Agricultural Youth Exchange Program is a tremendous opportunity for students who are passionate about agriculture,” said Suzanne Ryan-Numrich, international trade director for the Kansas Department of Agriculture. “Students are able to return from Taiwan with a broader understanding of international agriculture and the role that exports play in their local communities.”

Three students will be selected to represent Kansas. In order to be eligible to apply, students must be the following requirements:

  • Be a high school senior or college freshman;
  • Be at least 18 years of age by the beginning of the trip;
  • Have a strong Kansas agricultural background;
  • Have a valid U.S. passport by time of exchange program selection; and
  • Be able and willing to pay for airfare costs (approximately $1,400).

Applications must be submitted by October 14 for the student to be considered. Students interested in applying can find more information at agriculture.ks.gov/AgEd. The Taiwan Agricultural Youth Exchange Program is sponsored by the Kansas Department of Agriculture, the Kansas FFA Association and Kansas 4-H.

For more information, contact Robin Blume, KDA education and events coordinator, at [email protected] or 785-564-6756.

photo credit – chifei **


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