Wheat Scoop:  U.S. wheat farmers share their stories with consumers on eatwheat.org



In an effort to increase consumer trust in the wheat industry, wheat farmers have created a consumer-minded marketing campaign to increase awareness of farming and production practices and practical benefits of wheat.
This campaign will allow the wheat industry to speak with one voice in an effort to reclaim the national conversation on wheat and share one primary message among numerous influencers while we dismantle the false promises of wheatless diets.
EatWheat.org launched in November, just in time for the holiday season. This website is a place where consumers can find answers to their questions about wheat production practices, share values with wheat farmers and engage. This digital campaign features quick-and-easy recipes geared toward moms on the go, while sprinkling in tidbits of the story of American farmers. Wheat farmers are reaching out to consumer audiences through the website, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Eatwheat.org wants to share the farmers’ side of the story.
When urban consumers look down at their plate, many don’t know how that food came from the farm to their table. While it may not be a topic of constant thought, many have begun to wonder about the farmers who produce the food they consume and the processes used to create such a bounty.
Kansas wheat farmers are the driving force behind the EatWheat.org campaign, which aims to create awareness of farm and production practices through the lens of food as identity. And the food that we think can connect best is, of course, wheat. It’s simple. It’s versatile. It’s natural. And it doesn’t matter if it’s homemade for hours, or picked up at the grocery store ready-to-go – it’s a simple and natural way to connect to others and yourself.
Initial content includes the family farm story of Justin Knopf, a fifth generation farmer focused on a sustainable future. Justin farms with his dad, Jerry, and his brother, Jeff.
“Our farm today looks much different than when I was a kid,” said Justin. “We’re farming more acres because now instead of just one family, there’s three. The machinery we use is different. Just like anyone’s life or job, we’re using technology so we can better understand the biology and soils. All those things point to continual improvement which is important. We’re thinking critically about how we produce, where it comes from…”
Jerry, Justin and Jeff’s father, is proud of how far their family farm has come.
“I just farmed because it was what I needed to do,” said Jerry. “I thought it was pretty cool they were willing to go to college and come back and farm, because now they knew the new way to do things and are way smarter than I ever was.”
To watch the video of Justin’s story, visit https://eatwheat.org/stories/justin-knopf/.
In addition to stories of wheat farmers, the site also features quick and easy recipes using ready-to-eat wheat foods, such as tortillas, bread and buns, and short-cuts including refrigerated dough and pasta. The Learn section tackles subjects like what is gluten, what are the different types of flour and what are some of the tools farmers use. Consumers can also “Get Inspired” with family activities like salt dough handprint ornaments, gingerbread houses and wheat décor.
With the launch just before Thanksgiving, wheat farmers had the opportunity to share some new ideas for Thanksgiving leftovers, and all of these videos feature wheat foods.
If you’re interested in learning more about the EatWheat project, please visit EatWheat.org and amplify these messages by sharing social media posts at facebook.com/eatwheat.org, instagram.com/eatwheat/ and pinterest.com/eatwheatorg/.


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