Crop Production Historical Track Records

United States Department of Agriculture

National Agricultural Statistics Service

ISSN: 2157-8990

Crop Production Historical  Track Records

April 2015


Preface......................................................................................................   5

Field Crops Records for Acreage, Yield, Production, and Ending Stocks........................................   7

Principal Crops Area Planted and Harvested - United States: 1909-1990........................................  11

Principal Crops Area Planted and Harvested - United States: 1983-2014........................................  12

Barley Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1866-2014............  13

Canola Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1991-2014............  22

Corn Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Utilization, Price, and Value - 
United States: 1866-2014.....................................................................................  28

All Cotton Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1866-2014........  39

Dry Edible Bean Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - 
United States: 1909-2014.....................................................................................  63

Flaxseed Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1866-2014..........  74

All Hay Area Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1866-2014.......................  83

Alfalfa Hay Area Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1920-2014...................  91

Other Hay Area Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1920-2014.....................  98

Oat Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1866-2014............... 105

Peanut Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1909-2014............ 114

All Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1866-2014........ 121

Winter Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1949-2009..... 125

Spring Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1949-2014..... 127

Summer Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1949-2014..... 129

Fall Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1949-2014....... 131

Rice Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1895-2014.............. 137

Rye Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1866-2014............... 147

Sorghum Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Utilization, Price, and Value - 
United States: 1929-2014..................................................................................... 155

Soybean Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1924-2014........... 163

Sugarbeet Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1909-2014......... 171

Sugarcane for Sugar and Seed Area Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1909-2014.. 180

Sunflower Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1975-2014......... 189

Sweet Potato Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1868-2014...... 195

Tobacco Area Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1866-2014....................... 199

All Wheat Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1866-2014......... 206

Durum Wheat Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1919-2014....... 215

Other Spring Wheat Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - 
United States: 1919-2014..................................................................................... 224

Winter Wheat Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value - United States: 1909-2014...... 232

Information Contacts......................................................................................... 240

These track records of United States Crop Production were assembled to serve 
as a ready reference for data users. The track records are comprised of 
National level statistics for the principal crops in NASS' estimating 

The following data, as applicable, are presented for each of the crops:

Historic estimates of acreage, yield, production, price, and value.

Comparisons of preliminary and final planted and harvested acreage estimates.

Comparisons of production forecasts versus end-of-year and final production 

Commodity estimates for 2013 are not considered final until the after the 
2017 Census of Agriculture. Therefore, the columns titled "Percent of final" 
are a percent of the estimate published in the annual summary or the latest 
revision for 2013.

The crop estimating program reports on farmers' planting intentions, 
estimates of acreage actually planted and expected to be harvested, and 
forecasts of yield and production during the growing season. After the crops 
have been harvested, estimates of harvested acreage, yield, and production 
are made.

Through the mid-year and other quarterly probability surveys, information is 
collected on acreage, yield, production, and grain stocks on farms. Surveys 
conducted between quarters are used to gather information on crop conditions 
and yields.

Due to the lapse in federal funding in October 2013, the National 
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) 2013 October Crop Production report 
was cancelled.  As a result, no October 1 forecast for 2013 will be available 
in this report.

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Field Crops Records for Acreage, Yield, Production, and Ending Stocks
                      :       :              :        Acres planted        :       Acres harvested       
         Crop         :       :    Series    :-----------------------------------------------------------
                      :       :    began     :    Acres     :     Year     :    Acres     :     Year     
                      :       :                1,000 acres                   1,000 acres                 
                      :       :                                                                          
Barley 1/ ............:  low  :     1866           2,564          2011             754          1866     
                      :  high :                   19,686          1942          16,958          1942     
                      :       :                                                                          
Canola ...............:  low  :     1991           140.0          1992           112.0          1992     
                      :  high :                  1,754.4          2012         1,717.9          2012     
                      :       :                                                                          
Corn for grain 1/ 2/ .:  low  :     1866          60,207          1983          30,017          1866     
                      :  high :                  113,024          1932         110,893          1917     
                      :       :                                                                          
Cotton, all 3/ .......:  low  :     1866           7,926          1983           6,973          1868     
                      :  high :                   45,968          1925          44,608          1926     
                      :       :                                                                          
Dry edible beans .....:  low  :     1909             768          1909             764          1909     
                      :  high :                    2,599          1943           2,362          1943     
                      :       :                                                                          
Flaxseed 4/ ..........:  low  :     1866              96          1996              92          1996     
                      :  high :                    6,182          1943           5,691          1943     
                      :       :                                                                          
Hay, all .............:  low  :     1866            (NA)          (NA)          18,250          1866     
                      :  high :                                                 77,639          1944     
                      :       :                                                                          
Hops .................:  low  :     1915            (NA)          (NA)            18.0          1932     
                      :  high :                                                   45.0          1915     
                      :       :                                                                          
Oats 1/ ..............:  low  :     1866           2,349          2011             875          2011     
                      :  high :                   47,494          1955          45,539          1921     
                      :       :                                                                          
Peanuts ..............:  low  :     1909           703.0          1910           464.0          1910     
                      :  high :                  5,150.0          1943         3,492.0          1943     
                      :       :                                                                          
Potatoes, all 5/ .....:  low  :     1866         1,026.7          2010         1,008.9          2010     
                      :  high :                  3,789.3          1934         3,901.0          1922     
                      :       :                                                                          
Rice 5/ ..............:  low  :     1895             798          1933             270          1896     
                      :  high :                    3,827          1981           3,792          1981     
                      :       :                                                                          
Rye 6/ ...............:  low  :     1866           1,227          2011             239          2011     
                      :  high :                    7,235          1937           7,187          1919     
See footnote(s) at end of table.                                                              --continued

Field Crops Records for Acreage, Yield, Production, and Ending Stocks (continued)
                      :       :              :        Acres planted        :       Acres harvested       
         Crop         :       :    Series    :-----------------------------------------------------------
                      :       :    began     :    Acres     :     Year     :    Acres     :     Year     
                      :       :                1,000 acres                   1,000 acres                 
                      :       :                                                                          
Sorghum for grain 2/ .:  low  :     1929           5,369          2010           2,396          1934     
                      :  high :                   26,886          1957          19,682          1957     
                      :       :                                                                          
Soybeans .............:  low  :     1924           1,539          1925             415          1925     
                      :  high :                   83,701          2014          83,061          2014     
                      :       :                                                                          
Sugarbeets 7/ ........:  low  :     1909           515.0          1914           398.0          1910     
                      :  high :                  1,647.1          1969         1,540.5          1969     
                      :       :                                                                          
Sugarcane, all .......:  low  :     1909            (NA)          (NA)            89.0          1927     
                      :  high :                                                1,032.3          2000     
                      :       :                                                                          
Sunflower, all .......:  low  :     1975             787          1975             709          1975     
                      :  high :                    5,555          1979           5,410          1979     
                      :       :                                                                          
Tobacco, all .........:  low  :     1866            (NA)          (NA)           297.1          2005     
                      :  high :                                                2,124.2          1930     
                      :       :                                                                          
Wheat, all 4/ ........:  low  :     1866          48,739          1970          15,408          1866     
                      :  high :                   88,251          1981          80,642          1981     
                      :       :                                                                          
  Winter .............:  low  :     1909          29,196          1909          26,825          1917     
                      :  high :                   65,547          1981          58,476          1981     
                      :       :                                                                          
  Durum 1/ ...........:  low  :     1919             938          1958             845          1934     
                      :  high :                    6,855          1928           6,775          1928     
                      :       :                                                                          
  Other spring 1/ ....:  low  :     1919           7,646          1969           7,423          1969     
                      :  high :                   21,137          1933          19,689          1996     
See footnote(s) at end of table.                                                              --continued

Field Crops Records for Acreage, Yield, Production, and Ending Stocks (continued)
                       :       :         :         Yield per acre          :               Production                :           :           
          Crop         :       : Series  :---------------------------------------------------------------------------:  Ending   :   Crop    
                       :       :  began  :  Yield  :   Unit    :   Year    :  Production  :     Unit     :   Year    : stocks 8/ :   year    
                       :       :                                                1,000                                    1,000               
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Barley ................:  low  :  1866       15.9     bushels      1933           18,095      bushels        1866         51,231     1952    
                       :  high :             73.1     bushels      2010          608,532      bushels        1986        336,312     1986    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Canola ................:  low  :  1991      1,197      pounds      2002          144,037       pounds        1992         10,182     1992    
                       :  high :            1,813      pounds      2009        2,510,995       pounds        2014        448,090     2008    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Corn for grain 9/ .....:  low  :  1866       18.2     bushels      1901          730,814      bushels        1866        123,473     1947    
                       :  high :            171.0     bushels      2014       14,215,532      bushels        2014      4,881,693     1986    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Cotton, all ...........:  low  :  1866        122      pounds      1866            2,097        bales        1866           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :  high :              892      pounds      2012           23,890        bales        2005           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Dry edible beans ......:  low  :  1909        552      pounds      1917            5,772          cwt        1921           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :  high :            1,889      pounds      2012           33,765          cwt        1991           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Flaxseed ..............:  low  :  1866        4.5     bushels      1917            1,215      bushels        1989            244     1989    
                       :  high :             23.6     bushels      2009           54,803      bushels        1948         26,753     1970    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Hay, all ..............:  low  :  1866       0.93        tons      1934           21,298         tons        1866         14,156     2013    
                       :  high :             2.58        tons      1995          159,582         tons        1999         33,192     1979    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Hops ..................:  low  :  1915        816      pounds      1936           19,751       pounds        1923           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :  high :            2,383      pounds      2009           94,678       pounds        2009           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Oats ..................:  low  :  1866       18.5     bushels      1934           50,126      bushels        2011         24,739     2013    
                       :  high :             67.9     bushels      2009        1,523,851      bushels        1945        541,059     1971    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Peanuts ...............:  low  :  1909        623      pounds      1943          354,605       pounds        1909           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :  high :            4,211      pounds      2012        6,753,880       pounds        2012           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Potatoes, all .........:  low  :  1866       37.6         cwt      1881           59,798          cwt        1867           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :  high :              426         cwt      2014          513,544          cwt        2000           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Rice ..................:  low  :  1895        867      pounds      1896            2,340          cwt        1896           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :  high :            7,694      pounds      2013          243,104          cwt        2010           (NA)     (NA)    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
Rye ...................:  low  :  1866        8.5     bushels      1934            6,051      bushels        2011            285     2013    
                       :  high :             33.1     bushels      1984          101,142      bushels        1922         45,632     1971    
                       :       :                                                                                                             
See footnote(s) at end of table.                                                                                                  --continued

Field Crops Records for Acreage, Yield, Production, and Ending Stocks (continued)
                    :       :         :         Yield per acre          :               Production                :           :           
        Crop        :       : Series  :---------------------------------------------------------------------------:  Ending   :   Crop    
                    :       :  began  :  Yield  :   Unit    :   Year    :  Production  :     Unit     :   Year    : stocks 8/ :   year    
                    :       :                                                1,000                                    1,000               
                    :       :                                                                                                             
Sorghum for grain ..:  low  :  1929        8.0     bushels      1934          19,209       bushels        1934          6,688     1947    
                    :  high :             73.2     bushels      2007       1,120,271       bushels        1985        743,333     1986    
                    :       :                                                                                                             
Soybeans ...........:  low  :  1924       11.0     bushels      1924           4,875       bushels        1925          1,345     1953    
                    :  high :             47.8     bushels      2014       3,968,823       bushels        2014        573,810     2006    
                    :       :                                                                                                             
Sugarbeets .........:  low  :  1909        9.0        tons      1917           4,138          tons        1910           (NA)     (NA)    
                    :  high :             29.3        tons      2012          35,224          tons        2012           (NA)     (NA)    
                    :       :                                                                                                             
Sugarcane, all .....:  low  :  1909        6.8        tons      1926           1,088          tons        1926           (NA)     (NA)    
                    :  high :             45.5        tons      1956          36,114          tons        2000           (NA)     (NA)    
                    :       :                                                                                                             
Sunflower, all .....:  low  :  1975        933      pounds      1988         786,010        pounds        1975         58,157     1989    
                    :  high :            1,554      pounds      2009       7,296,110        pounds        1979        784,142     2005    
                    :       :                                                                                                             
Tobacco, all .......:  low  :  1866        575      pounds      1874         217,340        pounds        1874           (NA)     (NA)    
                    :  high :            2,359      pounds      1994       2,343,799        pounds        1963           (NA)     (NA)    
                    :       :                                                                                                             
Wheat, all .........:  low  :  1866       10.9     bushels      1876         169,703       bushels        1866         83,167     1936    
                    :  high :             47.1     bushels      2013       2,785,357       bushels        1981      1,904,981     1985    
                    :       :                                                                                                             
  Winter ...........:  low  :  1909       12.5     bushels      1933         378,283       bushels        1933           (NA)     (NA)    
                    :  high :             47.8     bushels      1999       2,097,057       bushels        1981           (NA)     (NA)    
                    :       :                                                                                                             
  Durum ............:  low  :  1919        3.8     bushels      1954           4,982       bushels        1954          8,288     2007    
                    :  high :             44.0     bushels      2009         183,040       bushels        1981        135,957     1982    
                    :       :                                                                                                             
  Other spring .....:  low  :  1919        8.4     bushels      1931          81,134       bushels        1934           (NA)     (NA)    
                    :  high :             47.1     bushels      2013         757,608       bushels        1992           (NA)     (NA)    
(NA) Not available.                                                                                                                       
1/   Planted acres data series began in 1926.                                                                                             
2/   Area planted for all purposes.                                                                                                       
3/   Planted acres data series began in 1909.                                                                                             
4/   Planted acres data series began in 1919.                                                                                             
5/   Planted acres data series began in 1929.                                                                                             
6/   Planted acres data series began in 1931.                                                                                             
7/   Planted acres data series began in 1913.                                                                                             
8/   Units for ending stocks are the same as units for production for each commodity.                                                     
9/   Estimates began in 1943 for all stocks.                                                                                              

Principal Crops Area Planted and Harvested - United States: 1909-1990
   Year  : Planted acres 1/  :Harvested acres 2/ ::    Year  : Planted acres 1/  :Harvested acres 2/ 
         :              1,000 acres              ::          :              1,000 acres              
         :                                       ::          :                                       
1909 ....:                          300,298      :: 1950 ....:      353,246             336,437      
1910 ....:                          306,299      :: 1951 ....:      362,922             336,079      
1911 ....:                          311,197      :: 1952 ....:      356,093             341,313      
1912 ....:                          309,729      :: 1953 ....:      360,461             340,660      
1913 ....:                          313,733      :: 1954 ....:      354,776             338,184      
1914 ....:                          315,108      :: 1955 ....:      353,715             331,902      
1915 ....:                          321,170      :: 1956 ....:      343,359             316,244      
1916 ....:                          322,277      :: 1957 ....:      330,871             315,564      
1917 ....:                          331,052      :: 1958 ....:      325,592             315,712      
1918 ....:                          344,708      :: 1959 ....:      329,378             316,308      
1919 ....:                          350,709      ::          :                                       
         :                                       :: 1960 ....:      324,470             315,818      
1920 ....:                          346,588      :: 1961 ....:      308,594             294,334      
1921 ....:                          345,439      :: 1962 ....:      299,815             285,830      
1922 ....:                          341,500      :: 1963 ....:      299,196             286,787      
1923 ....:                          344,891      :: 1964 ....:      298,454             287,262      
1924 ....:                          345,174      :: 1965 ....:      297,215             287,758      
1925 ....:                          349,798      :: 1966 ....:      293,062             283,511      
1926 ....:                          349,048      :: 1967 ....:      305,781             295,447      
1927 ....:                          348,252      :: 1968 ....:      299,384             289,668      
1928 ....:                          351,477      :: 1969 ....:      291,153             280,586      
1929 ....:      363,028             355,295      ::          :                                       
         :                                       :: 1970 ....:      293,211             283,096      
1930 ....:      369,550             369,896      :: 1971 ....:      305,830             295,056      
1931 ....:      370,589             355,818      :: 1972 ....:      294,609             282,976      
1932 ....:      375,471             361,794      :: 1973 ....:      318,381             309,956      
1933 ....:      373,124             330,850      :: 1974 ....:      326,076             315,941      
1934 ....:      339,019             294,791      :: 1975 ....:      332,236             324,040      
1935 ....:      361,942             336,102      :: 1976 ....:      336,091             325,324      
1936 ....:      360,292             313,898      :: 1977 ....:      344,873             333,282      
1937 ....:      363,069             338,500      :: 1978 ....:      336,438             326,423      
1938 ....:      354,322             338,500      :: 1979 ....:      345,803             336,736      
1939 ....:      342,870             322,109      ::          :                                       
         :                                       :: 1980 ....:      355,677             340,103      
1940 ....:      348,050             331,731      :: 1981 ....:      363,167             354,295      
1941 ....:      347,857             335,513      :: 1982 ....:      358,708             349,644      
1942 ....:      351,521             339,508      :: 1983 ....:      309,536             293,886      
1943 ....:      361,730             347,966      :: 1984 ....:      345,020             335,654      
1944 ....:      366,099             352,868      :: 1985 ....:      342,224             330,942      
1945 ....:      356,883             345,546      :: 1986 ....:      327,301             311,240      
1946 ....:      353,522             343,012      :: 1987 ....:      304,945             289,422      
1947 ....:      356,408             346,380      :: 1988 ....:      308,170             289,846      
1948 ....:      359,807             348,047      :: 1989 ....:      317,247             305,761      
1949 ....:      356,490             352,286      :: 1990 ....:      319,432             309,109      
         :                                       ::          :                                       
1/ Planted acres beginning in 1963 include: corn, sorghum, oats, barley, Durum wheat, other spring   
   wheat, rice, soybeans, flaxseed, peanuts, popcorn, cotton, dry beans, dry peas, potatoes, sweet   
   potatoes, sugarbeets; also includes harvested acres for winter wheat, rye, hay tobacco, and       
   sugarcane. Beginning in 1973, dry peas and popcorn were removed. Beginning in 1975, sunflower seed
   was added.                                                                                        
2/ Harvested acres include: corn, sorghum, oats, barley, wheat, rice, rye, soybeans, flaxseed,       
   peanuts, popcorn, cotton, hay, dry beans, dry peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tobacco, sugarcane, 
   and sugarbeets. Beginning in 1975 also includes sunflower seed.                                   

Principal Crops Area Planted and Harvested - United States: 1983-2014
   Year  : Planted acres 1/  :  Harvested acres  ::    Year  : Planted acres 1/  :  Harvested acres  
         :              1,000 acres              ::          :              1,000 acres              
         :                                       ::          :                                       
1983 ....:      325,113             293,204      :: 2000 ....:      328,685             307,955      
1984 ....:      358,257             325,862      :: 2001 ....:      324,584             303,560      
1985 ....:      353,042             330,255      :: 2002 ....:      327,283             299,146      
1986 ....:      338,220             310,098      :: 2003 ....:      325,693             307,400      
1987 ....:      315,263             288,532      :: 2004 ....:      322,317             304,521      
1988 ....:      318,032             288,995      :: 2005 ....:      317,640             303,566      
1989 ....:      331,152             304,574      :: 2006 ....:      315,645             294,453      
         :                                       :: 2007 ....:      320,369             304,376      
1990 ....:      326,337             307,768      :: 2008 ....:      325,632             309,225      
1991 ....:      325,362             303,352      :: 2009 ....:      319,022             301,172      
1992 ....:      326,453             306,652      ::          :                                       
1993 ....:      319,518             295,503      :: 2010 ....:      315,414             303,619      
1994 ....:      325,699             307,905      :: 2011 ....:      314,343             292,652      
1995 ....:      318,289             301,349      :: 2012 ....:      324,304             306,855      
1996 ....:      333,682             313,202      :: 2013 ....:      324,869             303,717      
1997 ....:      332,743             318,293      :: 2014 ....:      326,786             309,047      
1998 ....:      329,899             311,402      ::          :                                       
1999 ....:      329,255             311,967      ::          :                                       
         :                                       ::          :                                       
1/ Crops included in area planted are corn, sorghum, oats, barley, rye, winter wheat, Durum wheat,   
   other spring wheat, rice, soybeans, peanuts, sunflower, cotton, dry edible beans, potatoes canola,
   proso millet, and sugarbeets. Harvested acreage is used for all hay, tobacco, and sugarcane in    
   computing total area planted. Includes double cropped acres and unharvested small grains planted  
   as cover crop.                                                                                    

Barley Area Planted and Harvested, Yield, Production, Price, and Value -
United States: 1866-2014
[Blank data cells indicate a program change or that the estimation period has not yet begun]
    Year   : Area planted :Area harvested:Yield per acre:  Production  :Price per bushel 1/:Value of production
           :       -- 1,000 acres --         bushels     1,000 bushels        dollars          1,000 dollars   
1866 ......:                     754           24.0          18,095            0.952               17,231      
1867 ......:                   1,058           22.5          23,850            1.220               29,060      
1868 ......:                   1,064           21.8          23,200            1.490               34,560      
1869 ......:                   1,238           23.5          29,099            0.872               25,386      
1870 ......:                   1,331           21.8          29,047            0.853               24,764      
1871 ......:                   1,348           20.5          27,690            0.771               21,343      
1872 ......:                   1,421           22.5          32,005            0.738               23,623      
1873 ......:                   1,473           20.7          30,536            0.963               29,392      
1874 ......:                   1,628           22.2          36,125            0.962               34,753      
1875 ......:                   1,702           19.3          32,812            0.856               28,090      
1876 ......:                   1,973           20.6          40,711            0.685               27,894      
1877 ......:                   1,962           20.0          39,173            0.633               24,780      
1878 ......:                   1,848           20.3          37,448            0.584               21,861      
1879 ......:                   1,926           22.0          42,369            0.599               25,359      
1880 ......:                   1,990           22.7          45,261            0.663               30,011      
1881 ......:                   2,201           22.3          48,984            0.819               40,100      
1882 ......:                   2,434           24.7          60,072            0.631               37,903      
1883 ......:                   2,474           23.1          57,126            0.589               33,632      
1884 ......:                   2,694           25.2          67,919            0.483               32,816      
1885 ......:                   2,862           22.3          63,963            0.557               35,642      
1886 ......:                   3,027           24.3          73,503            0.531               39,042      
1887 ......:                   3,258           22.2          72,395            0.520               37,612      
1888 ......:                   3,283           23.1          75,980            0.591               44,883      
1889 ......:                   3,352           24.1          80,790            0.415               33,508      
1890 ......:                   3,250           21.5          69,880            0.621               43,422      
1891 ......:                   3,590           26.2          94,160            0.522               49,182      
1892 ......:                   3,857           24.7          95,170            0.466               44,388      
1893 ......:                   3,689           23.6          87,109            0.402               35,009      
1894 ......:                   3,639           20.4          74,211            0.437               32,438      
1895 ......:                   4,185           25.0         104,475            0.328               34,280      
1896 ......:                   4,131           23.6          97,479            0.296               28,888      
1897 ......:                   4,120           24.9         102,575            0.343               35,212      
1898 ......:                   4,113           23.9          98,174            0.389               38,169      
1899 ......:                   4,472           26.4         118,161            0.388               45,847      
1900 ......:                   4,703           20.5          96,588            0.407               39,309      
1901 ......:                   4,963           24.9         123,800            0.454               56,202      
1902 ......:                   5,474           26.7         146,207            0.453               66,262      
1903 ......:                   6,231           24.0         149,335            0.447               66,783      
1904 ......:                   6,579           25.2         166,103            0.412               68,453      
1905 ......:                   6,658           25.8         171,639            0.394               67,646      
1906 ......:                   6,744           26.6         179,148            0.418               74,867      
1907 ......:                   6,854           22.0         150,584            0.665              100,192      
1908 ......:                   7,409           23.1         170,780            0.566               96,691      
1909 ......:                   7,697           22.5         173,069            0.568               96,675      
See footnote(s) at end of table.


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