Back-to-school nutrition


James E. Meyer, Nutrition Specialist & County Program Director, Ralls County, University of Missouri Extension

As a new school year approaches, parents should be reminded of the important role nutrition plays in assuring kids a successful school year. Nutrition and learning go hand in hand. Kids who are nutritionally fit are more likely to have the energy, stamina and self-esteem that enhance their ability to learn. As they run out the door with thoughts of seeing old classmates, joining new clubs, participating in school sports and getting good grades, kids will not be paying much attention to the proper nutrition needed to accomplish all of this.

Here are a few tips suggested by the American Dietetic Association on practical, easy ways to help ensure both proper nutrition and a successful school year…

With this helpful information, the whole family will want to get on board with healthy eating habits in order to feel good, energized and more satisfied throughout the day:


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