Choose a pressure canner to safely preserve


Janet Hackert, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Harrison County, University of Missouri Extension

With each year’s growing season, there seems to be another round of “new and improved” kitchen gadgets to make preserving the harvest easier and better. Some can be a great help; others, like the electric multi-cooker appliances, may not result in the safe canned product one might be expecting.

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) released comments warning against the use of electric multi-cookers for canning. They warn, “We do not support the use of the USDA canning processes in the electric, multi-cooker appliances now containing ‘canning’ or ‘steam canning’ buttons on their front panels”…

To learn more about recommendations for safe canning, see the full article at


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