Water fitness, a great way to be active


Melissa Bess, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Camden County, University of Missouri Extension

If you are interested in trying a new type of fitness activity, take the plunge into water fitness. Also called aquatics, water fitness is a versatile and low-impact activity that almost anyone can benefit from and enjoy. Individuals with arthritis, older adults, overweight adults, pregnant women and many others can participate in water fitness.

Water fitness activities reduce the stress on bones and joints because the body is buoyant in the water. You are actually only supporting about 10 percent of your total body weight when you are in the water.

Aerobic activities like running, jumping and dancing can be done in a pool with less impact than normal…

To learn more about water fitness, see the full version of this article at http://missourifamilies.org/features/healtharticles/health110.htm


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