Walk Kansas Learn & Energize Sessions


By: Susan Jackson


Walk Kansas has started. Teams of 6 people are recording their miles. If each person on the team walks 2.5 miles 5 times a week over 8 weeks they will record enough miles to reach across Kansas which is 423 miles.

In addition this program provides 9 wonderful newsletters. In Harvey we are providing Learn and Energize sessions each Thursday of Walk Kansas.

Everyone is welcome to attend these sessions. We have a variety of session leaders who have expertise in the area of exercise, health and wellness. You won’t want to miss this opportunity.


Here is the schedule for Learn & Energize Walk Kansas Sessions.

March 26 : “Yoga”, 12: 15 to 12: 45 PM. Jessica Cleveland, Instructor.   Hesston Wellness Center, 701 S. Main, Hesston .


April 2: “Making Healthy Eating Part of Your Total Lifestyle”, 12:15 to 12:45 PM or 5:30 to 6:00 PM. Asbury Park, 200 SW 14th, Lakeside Lounge. Instructor: Valetta Seymour, APRN & Master Food Volunteer. Watch for signs to this location.


April 9: “Enjoy healthy food that tastes great!” 12:15 to 12:45 PM or 5:30 to 6:00 PM. Harvey County Courthouse, East Community Room.   Instructor: Valetta Seymour, APRN & Master Food Volunteer.


April 16: “Group Exercise”, 12:15 to12:45 PM, North Newton Wellness Center, 3001 Ivy Dr. Instructor: Tony Helfrich. Tony is director of the North Newton Wellness Center at Kidron Bethel Village


April 16: “Benefits of Fitness”, 5:30-6:00 PM, Harvey County Courthouse Community Room. Instructor: John Shaw. Class will focus on overall conditioning with the use of an individual’s body weight, dumbbells & kettlebells to achieve an enhanced metabolism & increased strength.


April 23: “Action Plan for Healthy Living”, 12:15 to 12:45 PM or 5:30 to 6:00 PM. Harvey County Courthouse, East Community Room. Presented by Susan Jackson, Family & Consumer Science Agent, K-State Research & Extension, Harvey County. Registered “Walk Kansas” participants only for this session.


April 29: Zumba, 5:15 to 6:00 PM. Olivia Lyles Instructor, Newton Rec Center.   Come try this exercise for free!


May 7: “Fat Buck Meal”, 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM. Harvey County Courthouse West Community Room.   “Learn how to balance the fat in your diet”. Pay $3.00 and get “Fat Bucks” to “purchase” your meal.   Pre-register by May 4 if you can attend, call the Extension Office, 316-284-6930. Instructors: Master Food Volunteer & Family and Consumer Science Agent Susan Jackson. Registered “Walk Kansas” participants only for this session.


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