Conservation Tree Planting Program in Kansas

Order Conservation Trees

The Kansas Forest Service’s Conservation Tree Planting Program offers tree and shrub seedlings, as well as other items for use in conservation plantings.  Plantings may function as wildlife habitat, windbreaks, wood lots, timber plantations, or Christmas tree farms, and riparian (streambank) plantings.

Spring Seasonal Sales
  • The spring distribution offers both bareroot and container-grown seedlings for sale. Orders are accepted fromDecember 1 through May 1. Orders are shipped or picked up beginning in Mid-March – depending on the weather.

Fall Seasonal Sales

  • The fall distribution offers only container-grown seedlings and orders are accepted from September 4 through Mid-October or longer if the weather holds. Shipping usually occurs within one day of receiving the order during Fall distribution.

Non-plant items are offered throughout the year as availability allows.

If we are accepting orders, there will be a link at the top of our home page saying “Conservation Trees Available”.


  • Online:
  • Mail:
    • Order forms can be found by going to and printing the Seedling Order Form for 2018 and mailed. Send order form with check or money order (do not send cash)  made payable to Kansas Forest Service to:

                    Kansas Forest Service
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502

  • Phone:
    • Call Toll Free: 1-888-740-8733
    • Telephone orders accept VISA, MasterCard, or Discover cards

Claims and cancellations

All sales are final. No guarantee of survival after shipment or delivery is made. The plants are guaranteed to be the species and quantities ordered, fresh, and capable of growing. Claims must be made within 7 days of receiving the plants. No refunds less than $5. The Kansas Forest Service does not warranty the survival of the plants and is not responsible for economic loss by the customer.


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