How To Grow Your Best Crop Of Cucumbers Ever!


So just what are the secrets to growing a big healthy crop of delicious cucumbers?

Cucumbers are one of the most versatile crops a home gardener can grow. They are perfect for slicing & dicing, and turning into delicious homemade pickles too!

But to end up with all of those delicious cucumber treats, you first have to be able to raise healthy, productive plants.

And with the simple cucumber-growing secrets below, that is exactly what you will be doing this year – all with ease!

It All Begins With Great Soil.

What is the most important secret of all when it comes to growing cucumbers? Let them grow in the soil they love best!

Cucumbers thrive on rich, fertile and well-drained soil. And one of the best ways to provide that is to add in generous amounts of compost at planting time. Compost helps all plants, but is especially helpful to cucumbers in helping to retain moisture in the soil. Mulching around the base of each plant with compost also helps conserve moisture and power the plants.

Compost is the perfect soil additive for growing healthy cucumber plants. It’s rich, nutrient-filled humus provides a big boost for plants. But it also helps to retain moisture to the roots too.

Mix in two to three cups of compost in each planting hole. To boost soil fertility and structure even more, add in a 1/4 to a 1/2 cup of worm castings to planting holes as well.

Organic fertilizers such as compost and worm castings help ensure there are plenty of nutrients on hand for the roots to absorb. And both compost and worm castings are excellent for retaining moisture too. In fact, they do so at a rate more than twenty+ times their weight!

When planting seeds or seedlings, amending the planting hole with compost and / or worm castings goes a long way to powering your plants.

When finished planting, mulch around the base of each plant with a cup or two of additional compost. Not only will it help repel weeds and conserve moisture, but it will slowly fertilize plants as it breaks down.

Remember, the better the soil, the better the crop!

 Where you plant your cucumbers is a big key to success as well. Cucumbers need generous amounts of sunlight to perform at peak production levels.

Morning sun can help dry off the dew from cucumber plants, which is important to keeping mold and mildew away.

Choosing a location that receives early morning sun is a big key to long-term success. Cucumbers easily fall victim to mildew. And keeping plant foliage from staying too wet from overnight dew is important to keeping mildew at bay.

Early morning sun is the perfect remedy for drying off plants gently. It also helps plants ripen fruits at a faster rate as well.

When it comes to growing cucumbers with massive success, mulching heavily is another big key. And that means mulching more than just with the little compost ring mentioned above.

Place a few inches of straw or shredded leaves 12″ to 18″ around the base of each plant.

Mulching cucumber plants has several huge benefits for your crop. Not only does it help keep competing weeds at bay, a few inches of mulch also helps control fluctuations in the soil temperature.

It also helps keep soil borne disease at bay. The protective mulch layer keeps soil from splashing up on leaves when watering, or during heavy rainfalls. Soil that can contain mildew and mold spores that will damage and even kill plants.

But maybe most importantly of all, mulch helps the roots of cucumber plants retain moisture. Moisture that is key to staying productive!

This is one secret that is often overlooked by gardeners. Cucumber plants need to be harvested on a regular basis to keep plants producing at peak levels.

Plants overloaded with too many cucumbers will begin to stop producing new shoots and bloom. In some cases, it will stop a plant’s production entirely.

When a plant becomes overloaded, it begins to convert all of its energy to maturing the crop, and not to producing more flowers.

How To Grow Cucumbers – Picking The Right Variety For Your Space & Needs

There are two main types and varieties of cucumber plants: Cucumbers can be grown in bush or vining plants, while the cucumber fruits can be for slicing or pickling.

What you plant and where you plant will determine how you should plant. Here are a few great guidelines to follow for each:

Bush varieties are compact plants that are easily contained in smaller spaces. Vining styles on the other hand meander and grow at will. They lend themselves well to trellising, or even small fences or cages.



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