United States and Canadian Hogs

ISSN: 1949-1956

Released March 5, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).

United States and Canadian Hog Inventory Up 2 Percent 

United States and Canadian inventory of all hogs and pigs for December 2014 
was 79.2 million head. This was up 2 percent from December 2013, and up 
slightly from December 2012. The breeding inventory, at 7.19 million head, 
was up 3 percent from a year ago and up 2 percent from 2012. Market hog 
inventory, at 72.0 million head, was up 2 percent from last year and up 
slightly from 2012. The semi-annual pig crop, at 72.5 million head, was up 1 
percent from 2013 but down 1 percent from 2012. Sows farrowing during this 
period totaled 7.03 million head, up 2 percent from last year but down 1 
percent from 2012.

United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on December 1, 2014 was 
66.1 million head. This was up 2 percent from December 1, 2013 and up 
1 percent from September 1, 2014. The breeding inventory, at 5.97 million 
head, was up 4 percent from last year and up 1 percent from the previous 
quarter. Market hog inventory, at 60.1 million head, was up 2 percent from 
last year, and up 1 percent from last quarter. The pig crop, at 29.4 million 
head, was up 4 percent from 2013 and up slightly from 2012. Sows farrowed 
during this period totaled 2.87 million head, up 3 percent from 2013 but down 
1 percent from 2012.  

Canadian inventory of all hogs and pigs on January 1, 2015 was 13.2 million 
head. This was up 2 percent from January 1, 2014 and up 4 percent from 
January 1, 2013. The breeding inventory, at 1.22 million head, was up 
slightly from last year and up 1 percent from 2013. Market hog inventory, at 
11.9 million head, was up 2 percent from last year and up 5 percent from 
2013. The semi-annual pig crop, at 13.6 million head, was up 1 percent from 
2014 but down 4 percent from 2013. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 
1.26 million head, up 1 percent from last year but down 4 percent from 2013. 

Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Sows Farrowed, and Pig Crop - United States and Canada: 2009-2014 1/
[May not add due to rounding]
              Item             :           :           :           :           :           :           :  2014 as  
                               :   2009    :   2010    :   2011    :   2012    :   2013    :   2014    :  percent  
                               :           :           :           :           :           :           :  of 2013  
                               :  --------------------------- 1,000 head ---------------------------      percent  
June inventory 2/              :                                                                                   
 All hogs and pigs ............:  79,304      77,175      77,970      79,109      77,953      74,643         96    
  Kept for breeding ...........:   7,274       7,016       7,007       7,077       7,098       7,074        100    
  Market ......................:  72,031      70,159      70,963      72,032      70,855      67,570         95    
   Under 50 pounds ............:  23,813      23,574      24,048      24,343      23,796      22,909         96    
   50-119 pounds ..............:  20,649      19,636      19,645      20,345      19,463      18,263         94    
   120-179 pounds .............:  14,471      13,992      14,443      14,440      14,616      13,803         94    
   180 pounds and over ........:  13,098      12,959      12,826      12,904      12,981      12,593         97    
 Sows farrowed 3/ .............:   7,445       7,152       7,032       7,068       6,880       6,822         99    
 Pig crop 3/ ..................:  71,918      70,141      70,584      71,884      70,869      67,287         95    
December inventory 4/          :                                                                                   
 All hogs and pigs ............:  77,152      77,340      78,884      78,834      77,715      79,215        102    
  Kept for breeding ...........:   7,104       6,995       7,020       7,031       6,971       7,189        103    
  Market ......................:  70,048      70,345      71,864      71,803      70,744      72,027        102    
   Under 50 pounds ............:  23,071      23,404      24,074      23,928      23,067      23,733        103    
   50-119 pounds ..............:  19,649      19,011      19,017      19,103      18,494      19,075        103    
   120-179 pounds .............:  13,997      14,328      14,670      14,775      14,867      14,971        101    
   180 pounds and over ........:  13,332      13,603      14,103      13,998      14,316      14,248        100    
 Sows farrowed 5/ .............:   7,313       7,205       7,196       7,113       6,917       7,034        102    
 Pig crop 5/ ..................:  71,580      71,600      73,001      73,118      71,642      72,513        101    
1/ United States Hogs and Pigs report published quarterly: March, June, September, and December.                   
2/ United States June 1 and Canadian July 1 inventory items.                                                       
3/ United States December through May and Canadian January through June totals.                                    
4/ United States December 1 and Canadian following year January 1 inventory items.                                 
5/ United States June through November and Canadian July through December totals.                                  

Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Sows Farrowed, and Pig Crop - United States: 2009-2014
[May not add due to rounding]
                               :        :        :        :        :        :        :2014 as 
                               :        :        :        :        :        :        :percent 
              Item             :  2009  :  2010  :  2011  :  2012  :  2013  :  2014  :of 2013 
                               : -------------------- 1,000 head -------------------  percent 
March 1 inventory              :                                                              
  All hogs and pigs ...........: 65,519   63,618   63,759   64,777   65,071   61,494     95   
    Kept for breeding 1/ ......:  5,992    5,760    5,788    5,820    5,834    5,851    100   
    Market ....................: 59,528   57,858   57,971   58,957   59,237   55,643     94   
     Under 50 pounds ..........: 19,709   18,667   18,668   18,935   18,853   17,336     92   
     50-119 pounds ............: 16,276   15,844   15,935   16,209   16,250   15,487     95   
     120-179 pounds ...........: 12,632   12,506   12,601   12,995   13,169   12,538     95   
     180 pounds and over ......: 10,912   10,842   10,767   10,818   10,965   10,281     94   
  Sows farrowed ...............:  2,985    2,846    2,807    2,813    2,788    2,763     99   
  Pig crop ....................: 28,302   27,345   27,516   28,037   28,099   26,326     94   
June 1 inventory               :                                                              
  All hogs and pigs ...........: 66,709   64,650   65,320   66,469   65,188   61,568     94   
    Kept for breeding 1/ ......:  5,968    5,788    5,803    5,862    5,884    5,855    100   
    Market ....................: 60,742   58,862   59,517   60,607   59,304   55,713     94   
     Under 50 pounds ..........: 19,514   19,224   19,423   19,746   19,145   18,254     95   
     50-119 pounds ............: 17,778   16,832   17,241   17,924   17,068   15,801     93   
     120-179 pounds ...........: 12,604   12,154   12,254   12,243   12,414   11,491     93   
     180 pounds and over ......: 10,847   10,653   10,599   10,694   10,678   10,166     95   
  Sows farrowed ...............:  2,997    2,898    2,887    2,945    2,806    2,810    100   
  Pig crop ....................: 28,809   28,425   28,954   29,712   28,921   27,495     95   
September 1 inventory          :                                                              
  All hogs and pigs ...........: 66,716   65,971   67,234   68,032   66,906   65,131     97   
    Kept for breeding 1/ ......:  5,875    5,770    5,806    5,788    5,816    5,920    102   
    Market ....................: 60,842   60,201   61,428   62,244   61,090   59,211     97   
     Under 50 pounds ..........: 19,758   19,613   19,761   19,880   19,824   19,517     98   
     50-119 pounds ............: 17,148   17,395   17,884   17,799   17,958   17,658     98   
     120-179 pounds ...........: 12,684   12,674   12,822   13,080   12,584   12,012     95   
     180 pounds and over ......: 11,253   10,520   10,961   11,485   10,725   10,023     93   
  Sows farrowed ...............:  2,959    2,944    2,927    2,921    2,890    2,906    101   
  Pig crop ....................: 28,717   28,870   29,355   29,587   29,862   29,534     99   
December 1 inventory           :                                                              
  All hogs and pigs ...........: 64,687   64,725   66,259   66,224   64,775   66,050    102   
    Kept for breeding 1/ ......:  5,850    5,778    5,803    5,819    5,757    5,969    104   
    Market ....................: 58,837   58,947   60,456   60,405   59,018   60,082    102   
     Under 50 pounds ..........: 18,705   18,864   19,447   19,299   18,389   19,026    103   
     50-119 pounds ............: 16,782   16,519   16,618   16,752   16,080   16,630    103   
     120-179 pounds ...........: 12,199   12,183   12,473   12,614   12,576   12,635    100   
     180 pounds and over ......: 11,152   11,381   11,918   11,741   11,972   11,791     98   
  Sows farrowed ...............:  2,915    2,881    2,919    2,888    2,780    2,871    103   
  Pig crop ....................: 28,260   28,488   29,261   29,319   28,253   29,373    104   
1/ Includes boars.                                                                            

Hogs and Pigs Inventory, Sows Farrowed, and Pig Crop - Canada: 2010-2015
[May not add due to rounding. Blank data cells indicate estimation period has not yet begun]
                               :           :           :           :           :           :           :  2015 as  
              Item             :   2010    :   2011    :   2012    :   2013    :   2014    :   2015    :  percent  
                               :           :           :           :           :           :           :  of 2014  
                               :  --------------------------- 1,000 head ---------------------------      percent  
January 1 inventory            :                                                                                   
 All hogs and pigs ............:  12,465      12,615      12,625      12,610      12,940      13,165        102    
  Kept for breeding 1/ ........:   1,254       1,217       1,217       1,212       1,214       1,220        100    
  Market ......................:  11,211      11,398      11,408      11,398      11,726      11,945        102    
   Under 50 pounds ............:   4,366       4,540       4,627       4,629       4,678       4,707        101    
   50-119 pounds ..............:   2,867       2,492       2,399       2,351       2,414       2,445        101    
   120-179 pounds .............:   1,798       2,145       2,197       2,161       2,291       2,336        102    
   180 pounds and over ........:   2,180       2,222       2,185       2,257       2,344       2,457        105    
 Sows farrowed ................:   1,439       1,381       1,350       1,303       1,247       1,257        101    
 Pig crop .....................:  14,603      14,242      14,385      14,212      13,527      13,606        101    
July 1 inventory               :                                                                                   
 All hogs and pigs ............:  12,525      12,650      12,640      12,765      13,075                           
  Kept for breeding 1/ ........:   1,228       1,204       1,215       1,214       1,219                           
  Market ......................:  11,297      11,446      11,425      11,551      11,857                           
   Under 50 pounds ............:   4,350       4,625       4,597       4,651       4,655                           
   50-119 pounds ..............:   2,804       2,404       2,421       2,395       2,462                           
   120-179 pounds .............:   1,838       2,189       2,197       2,202       2,312                           
   180 pounds and over ........:   2,306       2,227       2,210       2,303       2,427                           
 Sows farrowed ................:   1,408       1,338       1,309       1,285       1,249                           
 Pig crop .....................:  14,371      14,115      14,135      13,849      13,466                           
1/ Includes boars.                                                                                                 

This publication is a result of a joint effort by Statistics Canada and NASS 
to release the total hogs, breeding, market hogs, sows farrowed, and pig crop 
for both countries within one publication. This information was requested by 
the United States hog industry to provide producers additional information 
about potential hog supplies. United States inventory numbers were previously 
released on December 23, 2014.

Information Contacts

Listed below are the commodity specialists in the Livestock 
Branch of the National Agricultural Statistics Service to 
contact for additional information. E-mail inquiries may be sent 
to [email protected].

Dan Kerestes, Chief, Livestock Branch ........... (202) 720-3570

Scott Hollis, Head, Livestock Section ........... (202) 690-2424
   Travis Averill - Cattle, Cattle on Feed ...... (202) 720-3040
   Sherry Bertramsen - Livestock Slaughter ...... (202) 720-3240
   Doug Bounds - Hogs and Pigs .................. (202) 720-3106
   Donnie Fike - Dairy Products ................. (202) 690-3236
   Mike Miller - Milk Production and Milk Cows .. (202) 720-3278
   Evan Schulz - Sheep and Goats ................ (202) 720-6147

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 	All reports are available electronically, at no cost, on the NASS web 
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 	Both national and state specific reports are available via a free e-
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For more information on NASS surveys and reports, call the NASS Agricultural 
Statistics Hotline at (800) 727-9540, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET, or e-mail: 
[email protected]. 
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